5 things you might not know about the real estate industry


When looking for a new career, you may want to consider setting your sights on the real estate industry. Not only could this help to make every day different, but you also might find that you have a passion for helping people to find their forever home. However, there are some aspects of the role that up until now, you were unaware of.

Firstly, it is important to remember that not all companies are the same. Many companies often have physical branches that you might need to visit to conduct your work. Others may solely use the internet, giving you a bit more freedom regarding your working location. Some, such as Compass, may combine both online and office working, allowing clients to opt between visiting one of the 300 branches, or conducting their business online.

Did you know that mobile apps were first believed to be created in 1997? Yet those for conducting real estate searches are considered to be quite new pieces of technology. In fact, it was Compass that pioneered the first app for the buying and selling of properties in the United States. This can also allow clients to make appointments for discussions or viewings, meaning you could have this information at the touch of your fingertips. When working in a busy industry, it could be helpful to not need to constantly stop what you are doing to take calls.

Although apps themselves might be fairly new, real estate, in general, has existed for quite some time. In fact, it was in 1855 that the very first brokerage was established. In this time, the ways of conducting the buying and selling of homes and commercial property have changed, including the ways that it is governed. Looking into some of the histories could help you to figure out whether this line of work is right for you, as well as how processes may have differed nearly 200 years ago.

Becoming part of the real estate industry could also potentially be quite lucrative for you and your family. While the average salary is approximately $56,310 per year, the average base salary for a real estate agent who has been in the trade for a year or two could be as much as $85,187, according to employment site Indeed. This amount may differ depending on where you live. You may also find that, as time progresses, you end up earning vastly more than this.

Before you can begin working in the trade, you may need to pass a number of examinations. This may vary depending on your state. Doing plenty of revision, and using prep materials, could help to improve your chances of passing. The fees for undertaking these courses may vary, so it could be beneficial to keep your old job, if you have one, up until this point so that you have the funds available.

Working in the real estate industry could see you engaging with a variety of different people each and every day. Over time, you may be able to gain important skills that can help you to advance within your career.


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