6 Conversation Starters for Couples


Relationships can be tricky to navigate, especially when you feel like your partner has fallen into a routine. If you are looking for some new conversation starters and ideas for your relationship, these six tricks will break the ice and help you talk about anything from religion to food in unexpected ways.


Hearing your spouse's voice is always an answer to prayer. When we're apart from our spouses, a phone call can be the next best thing.


In fact, most of us probably make a habit of catching up with our spouse daily or several times a day by phone. But what do you talk about? In those moments when a simple “How was your day?” just won't cut it, here are some conversation starters for couples that'll help you connect with your spouse:


  1. What was the happiest moment of your day?


I am a big fan of the Conversation Starters for Couples and have been using them with my husband for years. One of my favorites is to ask my husband what was the happiest moment of his day? It is such a simple question, one that we would think would be easy to answer but I find that it is not always the case.


That is why I decided to start asking myself What was your Happiest Moment of the Day? I can use this as a way to get in touch with myself and really pay attention to the blessings in my life.


I think we all want happiness in our lives, but if we don’t pay attention to what makes us happy or why we are happy, then we may miss opportunities to be happy.


  1. What was the hardest moment of your day?


Communication is one of the most important ingredients in a successful relationship. Talking to your partner about difficult moments in your day can help you feel closer and more supported as a couple.


One of the easiest Conversation Starters for Couples is to ask What was the hardest moment of your day?


When you ask your partner What was the hardest moment of your day?, you are asking them to share something meaningful without having to come up with it on their own. It also helps keep things fresh and interesting in a relationship when you have a few Conversation Starters for Couples ready to go.


  1. What's one thing that I could do each day that would make you feel loved?


One of the things that makes communication so challenging is the fact that we speak different love languages.  For example, I tend to express love by helping someone with a project or serving him/her in some way.  But my husband tends to express love by giving gifts or doing something special for someone he cares about.


In order for me and hubby to feel loved by each other, we have to speak each other's language.  That's why I created this list of conversation starters for couples.  


The idea behind these cards is to spark conversations about the specific actions that make you feel loved and valued so your spouse can learn how to better connect with you.


  1. What's one thing that I do or say that makes you feel stressed out or not loved?


One of the Conversation Starters for Couples is to ask, “What’s one thing that I do or say that makes you feel stressed out or not loved?”


The goal here is to learn about a specific action or word that triggers negative emotions in your loved one. If you know what it is, you can avoid it.


I asked my husband this question the other day and he told me the thing that causes him to feel most stressed out is when I ask him questions while he’s reading the paper. Sometimes I do this because I want to make conversation with him, but mostly it’s because I want to talk about something and he’s not giving me his full attention.


I had no idea this was such a big deal for him, but now I know. So I’m going to try really hard not to ask him any more questions when he’s reading the paper.


  1. What's something that happened to you today (good or bad) that made you laugh or smile?


This is a great question because it can lead to some positive and fun conversations about funny things that happened during your day. So let’s talk about how this question can help you create deeper connections with your spouse and give you two something to laugh about.


One of the best things we can do for our relationships is to have moments where we can just laugh together. Sometimes these moments are planned, but often they just happen spontaneously.


For example, if a spouse shares that they had an embarrassing moment at work then you can ask them what happened and talk about how you would have reacted in that same situation. Then, share a similar story from your life and see if they have any tips or advice on how you could have handled it better.


This type of conversation gives you an opportunity to get to know each other better while also having some fun along the way!


  1. If we were going on a road trip, what would be your ideal location to go to?


It is a question that can lead to an in-depth conversation about what you both might like to experience and the reasons why. It is also a fun question that does not have the potential to be too serious, which makes it a great way to start off a conversation.


You could ask if they would prefer to go somewhere with some sunshine and beaches or somewhere with a lot of history. You could ask them if they would want to go somewhere they have never been before or somewhere they have always wanted to visit. You could also ask them what their ideal vehicle would be for the road trip and how long they would want the trip to last for.


We all love to talk, but most of our conversations usually center around planning the next vacation or talking about how much work we need to get done that week. In fact, numerous studies show that couples will spend a whopping 70% of their time together bickering. Not quite what we're looking for in a healthy relationship, right?

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