
8 Natural Home Remedies to Combat Depression in Women Over 60s

Depression is a mental health condition that has the potential to make older women go through a rollercoaster ride of emotional and psychological pain. Mild depressive symptoms can be extremely disturbing for people because it may disrupt their lives in multiple ways. If you're one of the people who hate taking antidepressant pills, then here are 8 natural home remedies for combat depression in women over sixty.

1. Eat healthy food

A healthy diet is essential for the overall well-being of women. Eating healthy food can help reduce the symptoms of depression and improve your mood. With that being said, a healthy diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy products.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, you may also want to consider taking vitamin B12 supplements or eating foods that are rich in vitamin B12 such as eggs, tuna fish, chicken breast and liver (if you eat organ meats). Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that helps maintain energy levels throughout the day as well as boost your mood. You should also make sure you're getting enough omega-3 fatty acids by consuming foods like salmon or sardines at least twice per week as these nutrients have been shown to help reduce depressive symptoms by improving brain function and reducing inflammation within the body.

2. Get plenty of sleep

Do you know that lack of sleep can cause depression? And if you are a woman over 60 years old, this is particularly true. The reason is that women over 60 tend to suffer from insomnia more and have less energy than younger women. Also, after menopause, the body produces less of the hormone melatonin which helps people fall asleep easily and sleep well throughout the night.

This makes it hard for elderly women to get enough restorative sleep, which can lead to depression in older women and make them feel tired even when they do get some shut-eye.

More importantly, sleep helps you fight depression by increasing your overall energy levels. When you're well-rested, you'll have more energy to exercise and stay active throughout the day. This can help boost serotonin levels in your brain, which will make you feel happier.

Sleep also helps improve memory function in older adults. In fact, studies show that people who consistently get less than six hours of sleep per night have slower memory recall than those who get at least seven hours of shut eye each night.

3. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help improve your mood and decrease feelings of anxiety and stress. It releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that make you feel good and make you happier overall. It also lowers levels of cortisol (a hormone released during stressful situations), which can cause depression or anxiety in people who suffer from it.

In fact, studies have shown that regular exercise can help people fall asleep faster and sleep longer at night compared to those who don’t exercise regularly at all or do only light exercise such as walking or yoga classes once or twice a week. This is because physical activity increases serotonin production in the brain which improves moods, lowers stress levels and makes people feel less anxious about their daily lives which leads to better sleep quality overall!

If you don't have time for a full workout, try adding small bursts of activity throughout the day. For example, walk up the stairs in your house, take a quick walk around the block after dinner, or do some stretches while watching TV at night.

4. Spend time outside every day

Sunlight is known to affect mood and behavior. It’s also a natural way to increase vitamin D levels, which is known to improve mental health. 

A recent study found that women who spent time outdoors had decreased symptoms of depression compared with those who didn't spend time outside. This effect was even stronger for older women who experienced more severe symptoms of depression than younger ones did!

This isn't surprising when you consider how much sunlight exposure affects our moods: it's been shown to improve self-confidence and reduce feelings of anxiety and sadness (even in people who aren't depressed). 

As a matter of fact, spending time outside can also help boost your overall sense of well-being by providing an opportunity for self-reflection and self-care.It helps get your mind off things that are bothering you so that you can focus on other aspects of life that are more positive and enjoyable.

5. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust

It's not always easy to talk about our feelings, especially when we're feeling down. We might feel like there's no one else in the world who cares or that we'll be judged for how we're feeling. But it turns out that expressing yourself is actually good for your mental health.

Researchers found that older women who talked about their feelings with a friend or family member were less likely to get depressed than those who didn't. The study also found that women who were more open about their feelings had higher self-esteem and greater social connection — both of which are known to protect against depression.

In other words, when you share how you're feeling with someone else, it brings you closer together and makes them feel better too!

6. Try flower remedies

Flower remedies can be an effective way to treat mild to moderate depression symptoms without any side effects. These are made from flower essences that are believed to have healing properties when ingested or inhaled. They work by balancing the energy field around us and help us feel better on an emotional level.

In fact, these kinds of remedy have been used for thousands of years by naturopathic doctors and herbalists all over the world to treat physical and emotional ailments such as heart disease, cancer, chronic pain, stress headaches, insomnia and even postpartum depression. They work by balancing the energy field around us and help us feel better on an emotional level.

7. Drink green tea

Green tea is a natural home remedy to combat depression in women over 60s. This herbal tea contains antioxidants and flavonoids that help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Drinking green tea regularly can help boost energy levels and improve mental alertness as well. 

The caffeine in green tea can help improve your mood and alleviate feelings of fatigue by boosting your metabolism. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetics who experience low energy levels due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Did you also know that drinking green tea is also a great way to stay hydrated throughout the day? Dehydration can lead to headaches and feeling fatigued throughout the day because your body doesn't have enough water to keep functioning properly!

It's important to drink at least eight glasses of water per day but drinking more than this will not cause any harm either! Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that may help prevent liver damage caused by alcohol consumption by neutralizing free radicals (unstable molecules) found in alcohol before they can cause damage within our bodies' cells/tissues/organs etc.

That’s why, instead of drinking coffee, you should try drinking green tea. The benefits to your physical and mental health equate to the benefits of drinking caffeine, but much better.

8. Meditate

You may have heard that meditation is a great way to relax, but did you know it can also help people with depression? It's true! Studies have shown that meditation can be a really effective treatment for depression in older adults, especially when combined with other forms of therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy.

Meditation increases activity in parts of the brain associated with positive emotions like happiness and contentment. It helps us feel more relaxed, calm, and happier overall—all things that are useful when fighting depression.

This type of remedy helps us change our perspective about ourselves and our lives—which can be incredibly useful for those struggling with depression or other mental illnesses because it allows them to see things differently than they would otherwise have seen them (which can make all the difference).

So, if you are women in their 60’s above, try this simple remedy everyday. It requires no special equipment aside from your commitment and willingness.

Here are a few things that can play a role in curing depression. If you are over 60s and want to get rid of depression, make use of these natural solutions to fight when your symptoms are overwhelming.
For more helpful and informative insights, visit here.

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