8 Ways On How to Deal with Depression over the Holidays
If you're having trouble getting through the holidays, we’re here to help. Everyone feels down once in a while but you don't need to deal with depression alone. So, we’ve compiled 8 proven solutions on how to overcome feelings of sadness during the holidays.
Volunteering can help you to deal with depression over the holidays, especially if you find yourself spending more time at home.
When we think of volunteering, we often imagine it as something we do to help others. And that's true! But what's also true is that helping others can be a great way to take care of yourself. If you feel like you are struggling with depression this holiday season, volunteering can be a great way to get out of your own head and help those around you—two things that can go a long way in helping you feel better about yourself and your life.
Volunteering can also help lift your spirits by giving you something positive to focus on. When you are feeling down or depressed, it is easy to get stuck in your own head and focus on negative thoughts about yourself or situations in your life. Volunteering gives you an outlet for these feelings and allows them to flow out of your body through positive action instead of staying stuck inside of it until they become overwhelming.
2. Avoid isolation
Isolation refers to any action that prevents you from having meaningful connections with others: social relationships, work relationships or even just being able to communicate effectively with someone else. This can be one of the most difficult symptoms of depression, because it leaves you feeling lonely and hopeless. You may not want to leave your house or even talk to anyone. This kind of isolation can interfere with your ability to cope with holiday stressors or enjoy the things that make this season special for other people.
However, when you're feeling depressed or anxious, it's important to find ways to connect with others so that you don't feel alone. This can be hard during the holiday season because there are so many obligations and activities that take up our time.
But if you're feeling isolated from your family or friends, then it's time to take steps towards making new connections—just like we suggest!
3. Focus on the positive
When we focus on the positive instead of thinking about what we don't have or can't do, our brains are able to release endorphins—those feel-good chemicals that help us feel calm, happy, and relaxed. In other words, when we focus on the positive things in our lives (and there are plenty!), it helps us feel better about ourselves and our circumstances.
This isn't just good advice for dealing with depression over the holidays—it's good advice for life! When we focus on the good things in our lives instead of dwelling on what we don't have or what's missing in our lives, it can help improve our mood and make dealing with depression easier.
So, try taking some time each day to focus on what makes you happy so that when things get tough during the busy season, you'll have something to fall back on when things start getting overwhelming!
4. Don't be afraid to ask for help
You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to spend time with your family and friends, and the expectation that you'll be happy and cheerful all the time.
And because we live in a culture that tells us to suck it up, it's not surprising that many people who suffer from depression often don't ask for help. They don't want their loved ones to know about their struggles—they don't want them to worry about them, or think they're weak or defective somehow. But here's the thing: asking for help doesn't make you weak or defective! It makes you human. And what makes you human is also what makes us strong: our ability to recognize when we need help, and then reach out for it without shame or fear.
So reach out to someone who cares about you. They'll be glad to have an opportunity to support you through this tough time, and will likely be able to give good advice on how best to cope with your situation over the coming weeks until things start looking up again.
5. Don't compare yourself to others
The reason is because it's not helpful. When you compare yourself to other people, it's easy to get caught up in feeling like an outsider or like you're missing out on something. But that's not always the case—and even if it is, there are plenty of other things you can do to enjoy your holiday experience without comparing yourself!
Another reason is because comparing yourself makes it harder for you to feel good about yourself and your achievements. When we compare ourselves with others, we start thinking about how much better our lives would be if only we were more like them. This leads us down a path of negativity that isn't helpful for anyone!
More importantly, when we do this, it makes us focus on things that aren't important—like wealth or appearance—instead of what really matters: the people around us. And those are what make holidays so special!
6. Take care of your health
One way to take care of your health is through exercise. Exercise boosts endorphins, which are chemicals that give us feelings of happiness and well-being. So even if you're struggling with depression, working out can make you feel happier in the moment. And while we all know that exercise isn't a cure-all for depression, it can help stabilize your mood and make it easier to deal with other stressors in life.
Exercise also helps people sleep better at night—which is another important part of managing depression effectively. It's a lot easier to manage your feelings when they aren't getting interrupted by lack of sleep!
More importantly, exercise gives you more energy throughout the day—and when we have more energy, we're better able to take care of ourselves emotionally as well as physically (and vice versa).
7. Take care of your financial situation
The holidays can be a stressful time, and it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of gift-giving, family gatherings, and other holiday traditions that make us feel like we need to do more than we can afford.
That’s why to avoid this you should take care of your financial situation. The reason is because it will give you a sense of control over your life. When we're dealing with depression, we often feel like we have little or no control over what happens in our lives. It's easy to get caught up in negative thinking patterns and spiral downward into depression without realizing it. Taking action to address your financial situation can help you become aware of how much control you do have over your life—and then empower yourself to make changes where necessary.
Moreover, having an organized approach to dealing with your finances can help reduce stress during this time of year—even if you're not making any major changes right now! Being clear about what is going on with your money gives you a sense of clarity and peace that can help take away some of the pressure around gift-giving or other holiday traditions that might be causing stress.
8. Avoid drugs and alcohol
A lot of people believe that drinking alcohol and using drugs can help them to deal with depression over the holidays. Avoiding drugs and alcohol is one of the best ways to avoid self-medicating. There are lots of different ways people try to cope with their depression, but one of the most common is by using substances like alcohol or marijuana in an attempt to feel better. However, this doesn't actually solve anything—in fact, it can make things worse by masking your symptoms and making them harder to address.
As a matter of fact, when you don't drink or use drugs, you're more likely to take care of yourself physically which will help keep your mood up even if it's low right now! These two things are mostly present during the holidays, that’s why people with depression should avoid these at all cost. Even if it seems tempting, they should remind themselves that although these may help them the result is short-lived.
The holidays would be an excellent time to use these methods and get to the bottom of your emotional difficulties. Although it's difficult to work through feelings of depression sometimes, identifying the cause(s) and using coping strategies can go a long way towards making you feel better.
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