9 Overlooked Causes Of Anxiety You Should Know About
If you've suffered from anxiety or panic attacks, it's likely that you assumed anxiety was the result of something else. While this can be true in some cases, there are many instances where anxiety is caused by other conditions. These nine causes of anxiety are overlooked or not recognized as a real cause of anxiety. These include:
1. Lack of sleep
It's a common fact that anxiety can cause sleep problems and vice versa. This is because anxiety causes physical changes in your body that can disrupt your sleep. While most people understand this relationship, many don't realize how severe it can become. In some cases, lack of sleep can actually cause anxiety, not just exacerbate it.
When you don't get enough sleep, your body begins to produce more cortisol, a hormone that makes you feel stressed out, anxious and irritable. This means that even if you have no reason to be stressed out or anxious, your body will create one for you! Not only does this make it harder for you to fall asleep at night but it also makes it harder for you to stay asleep all night long as well. Without enough quality sleep each night, over time your body builds up a tolerance to cortisol which means that eventually the amount of cortisol produced by your body will start to decrease.
2. Loneliness and isolation
Loneliness is a feeling of sadness or unhappiness caused by being alone. Isolation on the other hand is a feeling of sadness or unhappiness caused by being separated from others. Many people who feel lonely are also isolated, but not all people who feel isolated are also lonely.
Anxiety is the fear of fear itself, and it can be caused by many different things. Loneliness and isolation can cause anxiety because being alone makes us feel vulnerable, which in turn makes us more worried about what will happen next. When we're afraid of something happening in the future—for example, a bad situation at work—we tend to think about it more often than if we weren't afraid of it happening. This can lead to anxiety and even panic attacks when we're alone because there's no one else around who can help calm us down if something goes wrong!
3. Stress at work
Stress can be defined as a mental or emotional state of strain or pressure. It's what people feel when they're facing challenges, setbacks and other negative events in their lives. And while stress can be an important part of everyday life, it's important to recognize when it becomes too much to handle. That's because persistent stress can lead to anxiety disorders, which are among the most common mental health conditions in America today.
When you are constantly worrying about your job and how to perform well, it can cause anxiety. If you are not performing well at your job or do not like your job, then that will also cause anxiety.
Stress at work can also cause anxiety because of the lack of control over your own life. When someone else dictates what you need to do, and when they expect you to do it, it can be very stressful and create anxiety. The good news is, you can take steps to manage your stress and protect yourself from its negative effects.
4. Feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or commitments
You may find that you're feeling anxious because of the way you're managing your responsibilities and commitments. If you feel like there are too many things on your plate at once, or if you have trouble prioritizing what needs to get done first, then this could be causing your anxiety.
When people feel stressed out or overwhelmed by their responsibilities, they often try to cope by working harder—they take on more projects at work, they try to get through an extra task before bedtime each night, they take on extra chores around the house. But this type of coping only exacerbates anxiety because it doesn't actually resolve any problems; it just puts off dealing with them until later (and makes them seem even bigger than when we first started thinking about them).
That is why it is important to slow down and do your work one at a time or two if you can. Do not exhaust yourself but instead finish what you can or what is urgent.
5. Grief and loss (of a loved one, a job, etc.)
People who have experienced the death of a loved one, or another major loss, often experience anxiety as a result of their grief. They may feel lonely, angry or sad, and these feelings can lead to feelings of panic or dread. They may also be afraid that they will never find happiness again or go through life feeling empty.
Anxiety can also be caused by a job loss, divorce or other major changes in life circumstances. When people go through these types of changes, they may find themselves wondering what's next for them and feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty about their future. This uncertainty can trigger anxiety symptoms like worry and racing thoughts that make it difficult to sleep at night and concentrate during the day.
6. Financial stressors (such as debt or unemployment)
Financial stressors, also known as “money worries,” are stressful events related to, or caused by money. They may include things like not being able to pay your bills, having trouble with credit card debt and other debts, losing your job, experiencing a divorce or legal issues related to money matters (like bankruptcy).
It's easy to feel like you're the only one who has this problem—and maybe even that you deserve it for some reason—but let's be real: There are lots of people out there who have been through the same thing! And there are ways to help yourself get back on track.
One way is recognizing what's causing the financial stress in your life. Is it something like student loans or credit card debt? If so, contacting a credit counselor may help you get those debts paid off more quickly and free up some cash flow for other things like savings account deposits and emergency funds.
7. The death of a pet
The loss of a beloved pet can be devastating, especially for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that when pets die unexpectedly or are euthanized, children may grieve more deeply than they would over the death of other family members. They may feel guilty because they believe they could have done something to help their pet and are fearful that their parents will replace the deceased animal with another pet.
It's common to feel guilty if you didn't spend enough time with your pet before they died. This feeling can make it difficult to move on from their death. However, you should keep in mind that no matter what we do, nothing will change. As humans, we only have limited power. So, we should move on and accept what happened.
8. Chronic pain or physical illness
If you're experiencing chronic pain and anxiety, it can be difficult to tell what's causing what. The symptoms of anxiety and chronic pain are similar: both involve muscle tension, headaches and chest pains. If you've been diagnosed with both, it might seem like they're the same thing. However, there are some differences between the two conditions. For example, people who have chronic pain may experience mood swings and irritability that aren't present in those with an anxiety disorder alone.
The good news is that treating your chronic pain may help reduce your anxiety symptoms too – so don't hesitate to reach out for help if you suspect something else might be going on!
9. Trauma (e.g., sexual assault, violence, domestic violence)
Trauma is defined as an event that causes severe stress and results in mental or emotional distress. It can be caused by a single event, such as the death of a loved one, or it can be caused by multiple events, such as growing up in a war-torn country. Trauma can also have a cumulative effect, meaning that the effects of trauma do not necessarily occur immediately after the traumatic event takes place but may take years to manifest themselves.
Because trauma often occurs at an early age, it can be difficult for adults who have experienced trauma to recognize what happened to them as traumatic. Many adults who experience abuse or neglect during childhood may not realize that their experiences were traumatic until they are much older and begin to experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
These nine overlooked causes of anxiety can be explained and treated, but this doesn't mean that the condition is untreatable or an ailment that will last forever. Sometimes it's simple, but it's never easy. You may experience a level of discomfort or even pain in the process, but consider remember that you are not alone.
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