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Bring Wildlife Home

Bring Wildlife Animals Home To Your Kids! These Gorgeous, Vibrant Activity Books Will Teach While Entertaining Them

I'm always writing about how much I love teaching kids while entertaining them, because they just think they're having fun.  We all know there is nothing wrong with enticing our children with something that will actually be for their own good.  Instead of sitting them down and lecturing them, bring wildlife home with these gorgeous activity books from Weldon Owen.  They sent me the most breathtaking books I've ever seen.  I'm not saying that to over exaggerate, I really mean it.  The vibrant colors and detailed pictures of the animals is something that they'll never forget.

They sent me Habitats and the Animals Who Live in Them, Curious Creatures and Colorful Creatures.  Each book is more spectacular than the other so try and get your kids to tell you their favorite.  I bet they can't!  All of these books are written by Anita Ganeri and Penny Arlon.  If you'd rather buy these from Amazon, they're very easy to find on that site as well.  By the way, the books vary from 80 to 112 pages, depending on which books you get.

Wildlife Plus Activities Equals Fun!

All of these beautifully illustrated books include activities such as, mazes, find the differences, dot-to-dots, coloring, word searches, sticker scenes, and even more.  If you're looking for something for your kids to do while out of school over the summer or going on a road trip, look no further!  Their little brains will stay busy while learning about animal homes or just about strange, curious creatures.  What would be a good example of that?  Well, a curious creature could be a hairless guinea pig or a sponge that looks just like a brain!  Imagine how excited they will be to read and/or look at the vibrant pictures.

In the Colorful Creatures book they will learn about animals throughout the color spectrums.  One area will focus on red animals, then blue, etc.  You get the “picture”, am i right?  Oh, not only do all of these come with fun entertainment to keep them busy, but they also come with a gorgeous poster to put up in their room.  What child wouldn't absolutely love that?  I know my granddaughters are going to love these books.  I can't wait for them to experience them.

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