12 Daily Habits That Will Transform Your Life in 30 Days

Imagine feeling more energized, focused, and in control of your day-to-day routine. Your routine is a series of actions you take; the choices you make form habits that can be difficult to change over time.

It might seem crazy to think you can transform your life in 30 days. But 30 days is enough to reset your morning and night routine and choose a new way of living that is connected to your values. It takes a bit of grit, no doubt, but after 30 days, you will feel like a brand-new person.

Here are 12 daily habits that will transform your life for the better.

Get Sunlight First Thing in the Morning

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Going outside within the first hour of waking or when it gets bright is great for regulating our circadian rhythm. It sends our brains the signal that it’s time to wake up and start the day.

We don’t need to live in sunny California for these benefits. Even 15 minutes in cloudy weather should be sufficient. Exposure to daylight first thing in the morning also helps you fall asleep earlier at night.

Go To Bed Early

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With so many distractions, especially televisions and phones at night, good sleep takes a step back. It’s no wonder that the U.S. is suffering from a sleep deprivation crisis.

Unfortunately, when our sleeping hours are compromised, our health is, too. Lack of sleep can lead to all kinds of problems, from hypertension and depression to obesity and cancer.

You know that you will feel so much better with a good night's sleep. Don’t sacrifice those hours!

Make Your Bed Every Morning

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There are some theories that making your bed sets you up for success. When you complete this first task of the day, it paves the way for accomplishing more and more. This is according to Admiral William H. McRaven, author of Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World.

Jump Rope

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There are many forms of exercise. Jump rope may be an underrated cardio exercise to add to your routine.

The great thing about jump rope is that it is a cheap and effective way to burn calories without the gym. You can also buy the rope in different weights for an even greater lower and upper body workout.

For the average person, jumping rope burns about 100 calories every 10 minutes. It builds bone density, burns fat, improves balance and coordination, and is suitable for any age level. Just make sure you don’t have any existing injuries or health problems, or you may need to consult your doctor before starting this intense exercise.

Many people attest to how great they feel jumping rope. Start at 200 jumps per day and increase from there!


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With all the buzz surrounding meditation, maybe you have tried doing it a handful of times but have never made it into your daily routine. Our little habits matter.

Meditation helps improve focus and sleep, boosts immunity, and controls anxiety, among many other benefits. It truly pays to exercise the mind, as well as the body. Even 10-20 minutes a day can have a transformative effect.

Practice Gratitude

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Gratitude has the power to transform our lives. When it becomes a daily practice, you tend to focus on the good and things that are going well rather than the things that are going badly.

A gratitude journal was something I incorporated into my own routine for some time, and I regret that I stopped using it. During this time, I definitely felt the effects: I was less stressed than before, had more positive experiences in everyday life, and was told once before that I was “shining.” That’s the power of gratitude!

For 30 days, write seven things you are grateful for and seven things you are so grateful to achieve in the future – “I am so grateful now that…” Watch your life transform!


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If you are religious, you may believe that prayer is very powerful. Having divine guidance can help you turn from your old ways and lead you to a better life.

If you are Christian, you may like the 30 Day Prayer Challenge by the YouVersion Bible app. Over 705 million unique devices around the world have downloaded the app to date! The website states, “I truly believe that one month from now your life and the lives of those you love will be changed!”

Repeat Affirmations

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Looking at yourself in the mirror as a form of appreciation may seem kind of corny, but it helps to shape your outlook and view of yourself and builds self-esteem and confidence. When you wake up in the morning, repeat some affirmations aloud that are meaningful to you. It only takes a minute.

Examples of affirmations include: I am enough. I seize each moment. I forgive myself today. I am loved. I am smart. I believe in myself.

Be your number one cheerleader and stop that inner critic from beating you down!

Decrease Social Media Use

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Recently, I deactivated Instagram. I found that I spent too many hours each day scrolling the app, which was all wasted time. After that, it was quite easy to let my phone die, put it away, and not use it for a few days. Unfortunately, this annoyed a few of my loved ones.

While my approach might be a little extreme, try to curb its use significantly, whether that means putting it away in a separate room or getting a backup phone for basic communication.

Too much social media is not good for anyone, and many people are addicted — maybe without realizing it!

Be Intentional With Your Time

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We never seem to have enough time. Managing it can certainly be a challenge.

One way to better manage time is to set up daily plans that you “must” complete and other tasks of lesser importance. Checking off tasks as we do them can give us a sense of accomplishment and trigger those feel-good chemicals in our brains.

Stand Up Straight

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Jordan Peterson tells us in his book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, to stand up straight with our shoulders back.

Standing up straight is empowering. Studies show that people with upright postures have higher self-esteem, better mood, and less stress than slouchers. Practice this habit daily, and it will eventually become an unconscious part of your routine.

One Act of Kindness

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We all want to improve our lives, but we should consider the bigger picture and how our actions impact others. There is a lot of doom and gloom. Why not practice making a daily act of kindness a part of your life?

Examples include holding the door for somebody, giving something away for free, catching up with a friend, or telling your partner how much they mean to you.

Acts of kindness are said to add meaning to our lives and lift our spirits as we connect with and help others.

Author: Caitriona Maria

Caitriona Maria is an accomplished writer, editor, and the founder of TPR Teaching. Her passion for education and entertainment shines through in her content, which inspires and empowers individuals of all ages.

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