Dealing with Dual Diagnosis: The Right Approach

Living with a medical condition is often challenging because of the life adjustments you need to make. However, if you have co-occurring conditions, as in dual diagnosis, your life can be a bit more challenging. You may probably not know this, but people in dual diagnosis centers often talk about the difficulties they face when dealing with it. Dealing with any condition, after all, isn't easy, let alone conditions like dual diagnosis.


According to the 2016 report by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 8 million adults have dual diagnoses with substance abuse and mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and many others. What's surprising is that only an estimated 7% of those receive medical attention for their co-occurring disorders.


Why do people develop co-occurring conditions?


Experts believe that co-occurring substance abuse and mental health conditions begin from an underlying mental condition. These conditions can be bipolar disorder, compulsive disorders, depression, trauma, anxiety, and ADHD. When you leave these conditions untreated, it results in a high risk for relapse. To cope with them, people turn to drugs to feel better, and with long-term exposure to drugs and other substances, they end up with a dual diagnosis. In most cases, patients find dual diagnosis treatment facilities helpful in dealing with the condition. To help such people with proper treatment and proven approach, Ohio Suboxone Doctors put their efforts and all time so the patient can fully recover. 


Dual Diagnosis and Inpatient Treatment


Medical professionals recommend dual diagnosis inpatient treatment facilities as a means of effective treatment and the best possible path for long-term sobriety. That is because these centers focus on therapy that helps patients gain self-confidence while improving their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The residential setting of these centers also plays a crucial role in assisting them to overcome the condition. Residential dual diagnosis centers work perfectly for many reasons, including:


  • For patients in need of intensive monitoring due to the severity of their addiction or psychiatric symptoms, experts can provide clinical care 24 hours per day.
  • Due to ready access to clinical professionals and related resources, patients can focus only on rehabilitation and wellness.
  • Patients can foster the deeper trust of caregivers or clinical professionals in a residential setting.
  • Unmotivated patients or those resisting treatment can be given specialized attention without life distractions
  • Rehabilitation dual diagnosis centers are self-paced within their surroundings
  • Peer connections are better in residential dual diagnosis treatment facilities.


Bottom line


If specialists diagnose you or your loved one with a dual diagnosis, you must take steps to cope with the condition to improve their quality of life. There are several ways you can deal with this diagnosis. For the best results, consider dual diagnosis centers. Also, make sure to know about the remnant center and its method of helping the patients, so you know that you will be able to break your addiction and live a happy life ahead. 


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