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Entertaining While Cleaning Hands

Entertaining The Kids While Keeping Their Hands Clean Can Be Easy With These Products!

Well, here we are in the year 2021 and we're still in this crazy pandemic.  The one thing that we all have learned is to wear masks and keep our hands clean.  Unfortunately, kids don't see it as important as adults because they don't quite understand the repercussions.  Getting kids to perform personal hygiene without a pandemic is bad enough, but now we must make sure of it.  So, let's make it fun and entertaining!  Crazy Aarons sent me a wonderful little package of foaming hand soap and hand sanitizers that kids will go “crazy” over.  The soap starts out one color and when they've scrubbed their little hands enough it turns white, letting them know it's time to rinse.  How cool is that?


Every child will love using this as well as the hand sanitizer.  They sent me their Hypercolor Foaming Hand Soap in Green Apple, Space Hand Sanitizer, Dinosaur Hand Sanitizer, and Castle Hand Sanitizer.  The hand soap smells absolutely amazing and it will make their little hands nice and soft, not to mention, as clean as a whistle!  The hand sanitizer works great on germs, but that's not all that it is.  The colors that these come in are so amazing.  For example, the Castle bottle has beautiful purples and greens, plus you can't forget the glitter.  What kid isn't going to want to use this stuff?  All of it finishes as a clean, colorless germ killer so there's no worry for the adults.


Entertaining Kids Is Easy With Crazy Aarons!

Whether you're an essential worker or a stay-at-home parent, you're probably doing your best to keep the germs away, especially away from your children.  This virus is no joke so why not use whatever you can to get the kids to stay germ-free?  The hand sanitizers come in a small bottle (4oz) which will fit perfectly inside of a purse, backpack, bag, or just the glove compartment in the car.  Obviously, don't leave it in there if the temperature gets really hot or cold.  They are certainly great to take on the go anywhere.

Please stay safe throughout all of this and hopefully we can all get back to a semi-normal existence.

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