Children 1970

12 Everyday Things ‘70s Kids Will Remember, For Better Or For Worse

People say that the ‘70s was the best decade to grow up in. After all, it was filled with unique and memorable experiences that one can never have today.

Back then, kids had the whole afternoon to do what they wanted with friends. They could stay out until dusk without parents breathing down their necks and even without supervision. They’re also witnesses to some scandals, like Watergate and serial killing sprees by Son of Sam and Ted Bundy.

Most things on this list might not exist or be familiar to today's kids. Even so, every item in this collection will undoubtedly spark a light in every ‘70s kid out there.

Stranger Danger (Or Lack Thereof)

Cute children playing soccer outside
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In today’s world, parents can be put in jail if they don’t properly care for their children or if they leave them unsupervised for long periods. However, though the government started sharing the “Stranger Danger” message with its citizens in the 1970s and 1980s, parents were much less panicked about their children’s safety than they are today.

They had to work and didn’t have time to mind their children all hours of the day. Because of this, kids were guaranteed freedom and independence from a young age, allowing them to run around freely with their friends in the afternoons.

Unparalleled Independence

A great child team in sportswear playing basketball game
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Parents of kids from the ‘70s had to work, so they were left unsupervised from the moment they got out of school until dinner time. Because of this, parents usually had no idea where their kids were, what they were doing, or who they were with for hours on end.

Kids also went wherever they wanted without thinking about asking for permission or informing their parents; they were simply in charge! One notable anecdote from this time was that every parent told their kid something along the lines of, “Just come home when the street lamps come on.”

Noticeable Lack Of Safety Gear, Like Helmets And Seat Belts

Biker man sits on a bike
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Safety is no longer a question in today’s world, and almost everyone takes it seriously. However, back in the day, there was simply a lack of knowledge of how vital safety gear, such as seat belts, helmets, and car seats, was.

My Parking Sign, a company that specializes in the sale and production of parking signs and other relevant items, explained that public concern about road safety and the need for seat belts dates back to the 1960s. However, it wasn’t until 1965 that states began implementing a law regarding the required use of seat belts in cars. Although this is the case, in the ‘70s, there was still no legal consequence if someone was caught not using a seat belt while in a vehicle or if someone was caught without a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

Illegal Fireworks

Fourth of July Fireworks at a backyard picnic on Independence Day!
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some kids from the 1970s recall playing with and lighting illegal fireworks during their childhood. The range of these fireworks was extensive: mortars, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and more.

In the 1970s, most states still heavily regulated the market for fireworks. It wasn’t until 2000 when around 19 states started relaxing their fireworks laws, making fireworks and firecrackers a bit more accessible.

Writing Letters To Penpals

Happy girl writing a letter on a table at home
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We now live in a world of convenience. Everything we want or need to do — including sending messages or talking to people — is now possible with only the tips of our fingers.

But back in the day, you’d have no other way to connect with someone far away than handwritten letters. Penpals were also popular then, and even though these people were usually strangers, they were still connected to one another through exchanging letters.

Talking to strangers still happens today, but people don’t normally turn to letters. Instead, they use online forums such as Reddit or Discord to communicate with others.

Richard Nixon And His Involvement In The Watergate Scandal

Former President Richard Milhous Nixon
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the most controversial pieces of American political history is Richard Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal. This particular issue transpired during Richard Nixon’s presidency from 1972 to 1974.

Because the dates align, kids of the 1970s, especially those a bit older, probably remember the events that unfolded during this time. The scandal all started when someone broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters, which was located in the Watergate complex. It is believed that Nixon supposedly ordered men to wiretap the facility, and though he fiercely denied all the allegations, Nixon ended up abdicating his presidency.

The First-ever Release Of Star Wars

Star Wars logo
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Star Wars franchise is one of the biggest names in cinematic history, and it has undoubtedly made waves across the globe. It’s such an impactful piece that generations upon generations will remember it until the end of time.

However, it’s especially memorable for kids of the ‘70s, as the first Star Wars movie was released on May 25, 1977. Since then, there have been many more releases, making up more than 10 Star Wars movies under the franchise’s belt.

Rampant Serial Killings

Portrait of a young suffering sad woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s pretty ironic that the ‘70s, which was a period when kids roamed around unsupervised in the afternoons, was also a time when a lot of serial killers abounded in the area. However unfortunate, the truth of the bloodshed in this decade isn’t something anyone could contest.

New York City serial killer David Berkowitz, also known as the Son of Sam, was one of the most notorious ones. He killed at least six people and severely injured seven others.

Another notorious name that haunted the decade was John Wayne Gacy, who was arrested for killing 33 young men and boys in six years. Finally, one of the most infamous killers who ever lived was Ted Bundy — a man who killed and assaulted at least 16 young women, including a 12-year-old girl; he also confessed to killing more than 30 women and girls.

The Availability Of Saturday Morning Cartoons

8 years old child watching tv
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Entertainment in the ‘70s was nothing like it is now. Today, kids have countless options for what to watch or how to entertain themselves, but in the ‘70s, kids had no access to the internet or even 24/7 cable TV.

For ‘70s kids, Saturday mornings meant one thing and one thing only: a time for their favorite cartoons. Broadcast networks in the ‘70s and ‘80s, such as ABC and NBC, would air cartoons such as Pink Panther, Popeye, Porky, and more.

Saturday Night Live’s First Broadcast

A happy young family watching tv
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Saturday Night Live originally debuted under NBC as Saturday Night. It’s an American comedy sketch that parodies culture and politics.

What’s most notable about Saturday Night Live, however, is that it’s one of the longest-running television programs in history. Its first broadcast aired on Oct. 11, 1975, and it’s still running today. Recently, famous names in the industry, like Dua Lipa, served as both a host and a musical guest in the show.

However, Saturday Night Live wouldn’t be what it is now without its original cast of hosts. When it was released in the ‘70s, it was spearheaded by Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, and others.

Sweet Treats Were Incontestably Better

Baby girl and candies
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you’re a kid who grew up in the ‘70s, you undoubtedly know about Razzles, Wacky Packs, Laffy Taffy, Pop Rocks, and more. These childhood favorites are either hard to come by, not available, or a different recipe these days.

Though we have many new treats today, ‘70s kids believe that none can compare to what they grew up with. This is because of the primary sweeteners that go into our treats now versus then.

In the ‘70s, sweeteners were sugar and molasses, but today, corn syrup or other artificial sweeteners are manufacturers' go-to ingredients. This makes the taste of the treats we get today much less quality than those from the 1970s.

Roller Discos

'70s Rollerskating Party, man
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Recently, silent discos or silent raves have been all the rage. These are events where a group of people would come together to dance and listen to music, much like the disco ‘70s kids have come to know and love; the only difference is that people must wear headphones where music will blast through.

Silent discos are a testament to how popular and embedded disco is in our culture. What makes this so special is that the disco era began in the 1970s, a time of nightclubs, greasy hair, and dancing. Disco came from the word “discotheque,” a dance-oriented nightclub first established in the ‘60s.

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