Sweet caramel popcorn

These 14 Foods Might Be Harming Your Brain

Our health doesn’t only depend on physical activity. In fact, a lot of people might argue that the food we eat has an even more significant impact on our overall health, including our brain.

However, the problem is that most of the food available to us today is actually harmful. We’re unaware that our breakfast cereals, favorite tuna sushi or perfectly made steak are doing our brains dirty. These everyday foods wreak havoc on our nervous system, affecting our mood, memory and learning capability.

Some foods contribute to inflammation and can lead to long-term damage. Everything from sugary drinks to highly processed food to alcohol should be avoided to ensure we protect and maintain our brain’s health. Check out this list of 14 foods that might be harming your brain, and start making smarter choices to boost your brain health!


Smile and toast with friends at dinner party
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Drinking too much alcohol over a prolonged period of time will never offer you any health benefits. Though you may not immediately feel it on the outside, alcohol is slowly but surely destroying your body.

Alcohol can weaken our heart muscles. In the long run, this can affect our brain, lungs, liver and other organs.

A 2022 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism article explains that alcohol can interfere with our brain’s communication pathways, ultimately affecting how the organ looks and works. As time passes, it will be harder to control your balance, memory, speech and the like.

Refined Carbs

Sliced white bread on wooden board
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Many people are surprised to learn that white rice, bagels, white bread and cereal harm their brains. This is because they are all classified as refined carbohydrates.

When eaten in large quantities, refined carbohydrates can have a high glycemic load, which refers to how much a specific type of food raises one’s blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, foods with a high glycemic load and a high glycaemic index have been found to impair or harm one’s brain function.

Sugary Drinks

Woman pouring soft drink into glass
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Sugary drinks are another big no-no. Sweetened beverages can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, impairing brain function.

According to a 2016 article from Harvard Medical School, thinking, learning and memory are closely linked to glucose levels. High blood glucose levels are particularly harmful for patients with diabetes, as they can cause the brain to shrink or atrophy.

Excessive consumption of sugary drinks, however, not only causes brain atrophy or shrinkage. It may also result in mental fogginess.


Hands are putting margarine into a frying pan
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People are often confused by butter and margarine. However, the best way to differentiate the two is to remember that butter is derived from dairy, while margarine is made up of oils and plant-based ingredients.

Because of this, a lot of people think that margarine is healthier than butter. In reality, though, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

A 2023 article from the Huffington Post notes that margarine is one of the main things neurologists want people to avoid eating. Dr. Shae Datta, co-director of the NYU Langone Concussion Center, told the Huffington Post, “We often hear that trans fats aren’t good for your heart and blood vessels. The same applies to the vessels of the brain.”

Microwave Popcorn

Woman taking bowl of popcorn from microwave oven
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Microwave popcorn is everyone’s favorite snack. Sadly, it’s also one of the things we must avoid eating if we want our brains to function correctly.

A 2023 article by Serious Eats explains that microwave popcorn is believed to contain traces of diacetyl, which can increase the amyloid plaque in the brain. This plaque causes brain cells to die, eventually leading to conditions like Alzheimer’s.

Fast Food

Classic tasty burger
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America is known as the land of convenience. Consequently, it’s also the land of fast food.

Unfortunately, though convenient, fast food is very harmful to our health. Too much of it could lead to imbalances in our blood sugar levels, which, in turn, can affect our mood and energy levels.

Fast food is also associated with unhealthy fats and sugars. Both have been linked to impaired cognitive functions, such as memory and learning ability. Dr. Ishani Rao told The Independent, “Studies have shown that this can cause irritability, brain fog, and fatigue and can trigger inflammatory pathways that affect the brain, as well as triggering physical conditions.”

Fried Foods, Like French Fries

French fries
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We can’t deny how good freshly cooked fries taste. However, this, along with other fried goodies, harms our brains.

Fried and fatty foods cause inflammation within our bodies. This inflammation damages our blood vessels, which affect our brain because they supply it with blood.

Fish High In Mercury, Like Tuna

Homemade tuna stake
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We’ve been taught that fish is the better choice compared to other protein sources. However, not all fish are made equal, and some are more harmful to our health than others.

White fish and other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are great. Some examples are salmon, herring and mackerel. However, fish high in mercury, such as swordfish, barramundi and tuna, should be avoided.

When you consume high amounts of mercury, you become susceptible to long-term or sometimes permanent neurological damage and conditions. These side effects are also very common in children still developing their brains.

Red Meat

A closeup view of a skillet of steak frites.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many people love red meat. Steaks, burgers, barbeques and the like are their go-to meals packed with protein.

But too much red meat can be bad for you. If your diet is primarily based on this food group, then you may be more susceptible to developing Alzheimer’s than others. This is because red meat contains a lot of iron, which can disrupt the communication between neurons.

According to a 2023 article from Columbia University Irving Medical Center, the overconsumption of red meat is linked to an increased risk of developing dementia. This is even more so if you mainly consume processed red meat, such as bacon.


Woman eating a donut
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Donuts are a sinful delight. They’re deep-fried and coated in sugary syrup, both of which pose risks to brain health.

Because you’re consuming both of the big no-nos, you can end up with inflammation. While glucose is food for our brain, too much of it is still unhealthy and can cause significant issues with our nervous system.

The American Heart Association recommends that adult women consume no more than 25 grams of sugar daily and that men limit themselves to 36 grams. However, your average sugar-glazed donut already contains around 14 grams of sugar. Just imagine how much sugar you eat daily if you consume more than one donut or have other sugary treats or drinks.

Highly Processed Food

Cooked bacon in a cast iron pan
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When you think of processed food, you might automatically think of canned meat, bacon, deli meat and the like. However, almost everything in our pantry is considered highly processed.

Syrups, jams, chocolates, candies, muffins, frozen pasta and frozen pizza are all examples of highly processed food we must avoid. After all, consuming these foods increases our intake of saturated fat, sugars and sodium.

Findings aren’t conclusive, but most studies show that it’s highly likely that ultra-processed foods affect our brain’s health as we age. A 2022 study published on the JAMA Network reveals that those who ate the least ultra-processed foods experienced slower rates of cognitive decline.

Food High In Trans Fats

Semolina Cookies
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Most people’s favorite foods, unfortunately, have high trans fat. Some examples include cakes, cookies, frozen pizza, microwave popcorn and the like.

They may taste good and satisfy your cravings. However, in reality, they do more harm than good.

Trans fat can cause cellular destruction, disrupt hormone production and negatively affect memory. It can also increase inflammation, inhibiting the body’s ability to produce omega-3 fatty acids.

Food Made With Processed Seed Oils

Potato chips
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Most of the food we eat today is made with processed seed oils. In fact, some of us even cook with it.

Seed oils are extracted from soybeans, corn, rapeseed and sunflower. The food we eat, such as chips, muesli bars, salad dressings, dipping sauces and the like, are usually cooked in or made with the kinds of oil we must avoid.

The problem with this, however, is that seed oils are made with high levels of omega-6 fats. Unlike omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fats aren’t good for the body because they can cause inflammation.

Copper And Iron Supplements

Platter of fresh oysters
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Copper and iron are minerals our bodies need. Although some supplements are available on the market, it’s best to remember that taking too much of them could harm your body.

We need iron because it’s involved in many of the processes in our body, specifically our blood and brain. It helps in DNA synthesis and other similar processes. Too much of it in your brain cells, however, may contribute to the development of dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Copper is also another must-have for proper brain functioning. However, too much of it can damage our brain’s tissues. If there’s an imbalance of copper in our system, then it may result in neurodegeneration.

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