Fun Things About Numbers You Didn’t Know.

Fun Things About Numbers That You Didn't Know.

There are numbers in every corner of the world. Some people have a number that is the luckiest. We check our bank balances, and we count pages in books. They are everywhere. However, do you really know everything there is to know about them? It turns out that numbers are a million times more fascinating than Pythagorus' most complex equations. So here are some amazing facts that you’ll be pleased to discover.


Zero is an Even Number

It is mathematically possible to divide an even number by two and still end up with a whole number, and zero meets this requirement since halving zero results in zero. Nonetheless, if you're confused, you're not alone: a study from Cambridge University in the 1990s showed that people take 10 percent longer to decide whether zero is even or not than they do to determine if, for example, two is.

Zero was discovered at different times by different cultures

Numerous civilizations throughout history have devised zero as a number. Although he was scattered in his adoption, it is generally accepted that Brahmagupta was the first person to propose the concept of zero in 600 B.C. Furthermore, Brahmagupta helped promote astronomy and mathematics skills as he noted how to calculate the cube and cube root of an integer and how to calculate squares and square roots.

Zero cannot be represented as a Roman Numeral

The Roman numerals contain zero zeros in total. Zero wasn't regarded as a number in ancient Greece but could be thought of as a concept. Due to the fact you can't divide by zero, Aristotle decided zero wasn't a number. Therefore, Nulla, the Latin word for zero, represents the concept of zero instead of a Roman numeral. Because it was not necessary to express zero numerically, there is no numeral for zero.

Roman Numerals were created for trading

Using this record-keeping system, Romans could quickly price different items and services, and it became part of everyday life throughout the Roman Empire. Roman numerals continued to be used throughout Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. However, after the 1600s, they were no longer used. Instead, seven letters represent Roman numerals: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.

There is only one number with the same number of letters as its value

It might have never occurred to you, but there exists only one number with the same number of letters as itself. Do you know what it is? Not at all? I'll tell you. It's 4. And the four light bars on a calculator represent the number 4.

Hundred doesn’t actually mean 100

Hundreds derive from the Old Norse word hundrath, which denotes 120, not 100. Unfortunately, due to the duodecimal system, hundrath literally means “long hundred,” meaning 120. So you’d be hard-pressed to convince me that you are owed 20 percent more than that $100s is worth.

The multiply by 3 trick

Any number can be multiplied by three. Once you have that new number, add its digits together. No matter what number you start with, whatever you equal is always divisible by three. An example is:

3 x 4 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
3 / 3 = 1

Pythagorus’ constant

In mathematics, Pythagoras' constant (1.41) is known as the square root of 2 (1.41). Aside from being the world's first irrational number, this is also the closest to the perfect number. The mathematician Pythagoras is at the center of this, and all of his famous theorems have fascinating histories that maybe didn’t get taught in high school. For example, 1,000 years before Pythagoras discovered his famous theory, Babylonian mathematicians had already found it!

The Number 2

The number 2 is the only even prime number and is also the lowest prime number, as every other number is divisible by the number 2.

The Fibonacci Sequence

Leonardo Fibonacci was from Pisa. He lived in the 13th Century in Italy and discovered a mathematical sequence named after him: the Fibonacci Sequence. Starting at 0 and 1, this sequence is created as the sum of two preceding numbers. So, for example:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …

Nature frequently displays the Fibonacci Sequence — most notably in rabbit litters. Two rabbits will mate and produce three, who will mate to make five, etc. Putting one rabbit with another will generate two rabbits, which will spawn two, spawn three, etc. Furthermore, the American prog metal band Tool wrote “Lateralus” in time with the Fibonacci sequence.

Our numerical system is older than it has been in use

We use a numerical system based on Hindu-Arabic numerals, composed of just ten symbols (you know that: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). In Europe, these symbols we know today were not used until the 15th century, although they were developed over 1,000 years ago.

5 and 2 are the only prime numbers that end with a 5 and a 2

There are no prime numbers greater than one that is not multiplying two smaller natural numbers. Therefore, prime numbers can only be formed by multiplying 1 by itself and can therefore never be formed by adding more than 1. Therefore, a composite number, which doesn't have a prime component, is more significant than one.

The number 6 is the smallest perfect number

The sum of a perfect number's positive divisors is a positive integer in number theory. In this case, six is considered to be the smallest perfect number. Here is an example:

1 + 2 + 3 = 6.

In fact, the following perfect number occurs when we reach 28.

Cats having 9 lives

You have heard the myth that cats have nine lives whether you like them or hate them. How about wondering where the myth originated? Jumping and landing without getting hurt is where the myth came from! The number nine turns out to have a variety of explanations for its existence, though, one being that it is a magical number and has been worshipped throughout time.

Pi is an irrational number

The number Pi, also known as the circumference ratio to the circle’s diameter, is irrational. Therefore, pi cannot be expressed as a fraction. Furthermore, the decimal representation of Pi does not repeat or end. The day of Pi is celebrated on March 14th, generally referred to as 3/14.


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