How to Ace Interior Design Projects




If you are an interior designer, then you know that every project rates your work and its success determines whether or not you are going to get another project. Moreover, being an interior designer requires not only a touch of artistry but the ability to meet the clients’ demands and specifications to the minute most details.


If you are looking to get better at interior design and ace your upcoming projects, then you are at the right place. This article will analyze ways in which you can ace your next project and be at the top of your competition. Let’s get to it.

1. Listen to the Customer’s Dream Home Story



Most clients have a hard time describing what exactly they want to be included in their interior design projects. However, if you ask them to describe the interior of their dream home, you can easily come up with exactly what they need.


It will require you to be keen and have the attribute to pick out details as they speak. If you need to review the conversation, you can record it(with their permission of course) and ensure that you are in a position to get all the details you need about the project.


When you are able to get their actual requirements, you already have a picture in mind of how they want everything you are. Remember to ask questions about specific materials and what the customer needs.


2. Have 2 Plans(Original and Backup)




Now that you know what the customer wants, come up with two plans for the project. The first plan will be the plan that you are fully confident with and you are sure that the clients will love it;-Based on their story description. The original plan could include things like the inclusion of modern bathroom designs such as bathtubs, wet areas and some modern cabinets. 


The plan needs to be authentic and should bring to life all their expectations. Since not all plans go as intended, having a secondary plan saves you a lot of time if the customers need a second opinion on the plan or an additional plan that they can choose from. 


It does help if the client could choose from the two you have created. It makes your work easier, rather than them directing you how they want to see their home every few days and you having to redo the whole work altogether.

3. Go Elegance



When handling an interior design project, don’t just go traditional. This is something everybody can do today. Think of the home as a palace. People want to relax and enjoy themselves. Go elegant. From the bathroom to the kitchen and individual rooms. Have a touch of individuality and specificity.


Understand the color spectrum and know which design trends are in the market, and which you can incorporate in the project you are working on. Do not be shy to seek design inspiration for these online. One design could open up a whole closet of ideas for you. 


Knowing how to turn the interior of a home is not simple, but making the owners fall in love with the design is even harder, so know the ideal design for your clients before starting the project.


Addedly, while working on the interior, remember to give some time and budget for the exterior as well. This includes a garden and other essentials like the pool. Essentially, the exterior reflects the interior.

4. Understand the Financial Aspects of the Project




Often, people start projects before understanding the fundamental financial aspects of the project. You do not want to fall into this pit as well. Before you start any project, do the math. Understand what the project will entail. And not just the materials alone. Add in your markup fee and workforce. You also need to add some extra 15% for miscellaneous. The latter helps you when you have additional costs that need to be covered. It also saves you from having to go back and forth to your client for extra cash.


It actually helps if you can break down your project into milestones to make your computations simpler and easy to compute the aggregate project fees. 

5. Be a Master in Soft Skills



You must be able to communicate effectively. Some applications are clear conversing, listening, interpreting, and writing. You'll need problem-solving abilities since you'll be dealing with a lot of unpleasant situations and a lot of responsibility as you go about your career. Furthermore, you must be adaptable, as varied activities may demand you to shift gears from one duty to another without warning. Perseverance is an additional talent that will aid you in navigating and dealing with difficult clients.

The Bottom Line

Interior design is no walk in the park. But it’s quite rewarding if you get the hang of it. Just take one project at a time and understand the driving parameters. Good luck!

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