How To Deal With A Loss Of A Loved One

Losing a loved one never becomes easy. You start to feel different emotions you might not be too familiar with. Your heart might be heavy because you did not tell the person everything you wanted before they passed. A Swiss-American psychiatrist Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced in her book On Death and Dying a theory of the five stages of grief, still used by professionals worldwide. However, remember that everyone processes emotions differently, and the Kübler-Ross model does not need to fit your situation fully. But if you know of these stages, it might offer you comfort knowing that you are not alone in the world. Here are tips on how to deal with a loss of a loved one. 

Do Not Stay Completely Alone

When someone you love passes away, and your heart breaks, you might feel like you do not want to spend time with other people. Despite that, you should not be alone. Even if you do not feel like talking or sharing your emotions, surrounding yourself with people who love you can dramatically improve your mood. When you are ready to talk, reach out to people who are great listeners and will be able to understand the depth of your feelings. You can always approach your friends or family. But if you need more support, you should contact a bereavement counselor. 

Say Your Goodbye

Another thing that will help you to deal with the loss of a loved one is to say goodbye. One way of doing that is to attend their funeral or cremation. Companies such as ATX Cremation offer services in Austin, TX, and allow you to attend the cremation to help you move on. With a compassionate approach, they will try their best to lean toward any cultural or religious needs you may have. To say goodbye, you can also, for instance, write a letter with all you did not manage to tell them before their passing.

Try Out Some Creative Projects

To process your emotions further, you can start working on a creative project when you feel like it. Perhaps you might try your hand at writing and put down any thoughts that are running through your mind. Or you can draw a picture inspired by the person you lost. You could also try gardening and grow some of their favorite plants and flowers. If you cannot think of anything creative you would like to do, try to learn something they loved to do. Then, you will feel closer to them, and it will be easier to deal with the loss. 

Do Not Let The Grief Consume YouWhen you are trying to work through grief, it is good to embrace your emotions and accept the situation. However, you should not let the grief consume you. If possible, try doing activities that will take your mind off the loss for a while. Have a coffee with your friends or go see the new movie you were so excited about. Or you can try to find a new hobby and pick up a new skill. The possibilities are endless. You can learn a new language, explore a new industry or see if some crafts could make you happy.

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