Is it a Good Idea to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth develop at the back of your mouth, that is, behind your molars. There is a set both on the top as well as the bottom. Often, wisdom teeth grow sideways, crooked, or otherwise aligned. When they grow, they push the other teeth that lead to misalignment and overcrowding. Not every wisdom tooth has to be removed. Yet if there are chances that it will cause problems, get them removed when you are young. What to eat after wisdom teeth removal you will want to eat something soft, for the fact your mouth will be hurting. 

When you are young, your teeth' roots do not develop fully, and the bone surrounding the teeth will be less dense. Besides, you will heal fast when you are young, but as you age, you will take more time to recover from your surgery. Since childhood, proper oral care is essential, so book an appointment with a pediatric dentist, such as the best kids dentist in Lithonia GA, for healthy and strong teeth. 

Purpose and Function of Wisdom Teeth 

Wisdom teeth are the evolutionary relics that helped ancestors eat a diet comprising of rougher foods such as reed plants and sticks. When teeth fell out or wore down, wisdom teeth replaced them. Today with softer diets and modern advances in oral hygiene, such replacement is not required, yet they still grow. Our mouths essentially can hold around 28 teeth which do not include wisdom teeth. With wisdom teeth, the total is 32 teeth that all vie for space. Symptoms such as infection, nerve damage, bone damage, and overcrowding can result. 

The wisdom tooth is also called third molars, and these typically grow between 16-25 years. Though some may not experience any issue with the molars, some people complain of related complications. Problems mostly happen when the tooth becomes impacted. Impacted teeth either partially or fully covered by the bone or gums. 

Reasons to Remove Wisdom Tooth 

A dental professional will suggest you remove your wisdom teeth when you face the following scenarios, 

  • Problem to Keep Clean – These teeth are given little space to come out, and it is quite a challenge to keep the gums surrounding the teeth clean. It can result in inflammation and infection even if you do not complain of any apparent symptoms. As per studies, once there is inflammation, it becomes almost impossible to extract the teeth, spreading to the surrounding areas. 


  • Low Birth or Preterm Weight Infants – As per research, oral inflammation that results from wisdom tooth is likely to relate to low birth-weight or preterm infants. 


  • Serve Minimal Purpose – When the wisdom tooth erupts, it will serve a minimal purpose. It will turn into a nuisance as it will be a challenge to keep clean. 


  • Develop Tumors or Cysts – Impacted wisdom teeth develop corresponding tumors or cysts that need extensive methods to retain the normal appearance and jaw function in some instances. 


  • More Risk with Age – When you age, you will likely face more wisdom tooth extraction complications. 


  • Bone Deterioration, Tooth Loss, and Receding Gum Tissues – Gum diseases and inflammation associated with the wisdom teeth may deteriorate the jawbone, resulting in tooth loss and receding gum tissues. 


  • Crowding of Teeth – Because your mouth has limited space for the wisdom tooth's eruption, the surrounding teeth may get crowded and damaged. Earlier wisdom tooth was for replacing molars once they fell. Modern dental cleanings and medicine allow the molar to last longer than it used to, leaving minimal space for the tooth to emerge. 


  • Result in Different Diseases – The wisdom tooth that is often problem-free can cause inflammation and oral infection. When this enters the bloodstream, this can lead to the advancement or development of different diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. 


  • Early Removal – If a wisdom tooth cannot erupt in the right way and you cannot maintain it mostly in a healthy form, its extraction at an early stage will be the right step. Early removal of wisdom teeth as per studies is related to timely and smooth recoveries. 


  • Peace of Mind – When you extract your wisdom tooth at an early stage, you can keep away from any worries related to long term impacts caused by the third molars. 

The best and the most widely used treatment to treat symptoms of a wisdom tooth will be to remove it. Professional dentists or oral surgeons carry it out using general or local anesthesia. The removal of a wisdom tooth is a routine process that ensures the excellent and long-term health of the teeth and the mouth. 

Extraction often is the best choice to avoid painful complications which happen when the tooth becomes impacted or does not come out correctly. If you face any difficulties or issues related to your wisdom tooth, get in touch with a licensed 24/7 dental care service provider.

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