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Statement Earrings

Lobe Love

When I want to feel fabulous, I wear earrings. Earrings can make me feel more confident, like I am a beautiful and sophisticated lady. Also, earrings can definitely make an outfit and turn your boring look into a hot and sassy one. The best types of earrings that I’ve discovered are statement earrings. They are so bold and beautiful. My favorite statement earrings are the ones from Lobe Love!

Capable of Anything

I feel that Lobe Love has the cutest and trendiest earrings on the market. Their pieces are so versatile and unique. The owner is a beautiful mother with a fun and playful style! Her positive outlook reminds women that they are capable of anything they set their mind and heart to. The statement earrings she creates are a symbol of that mantra.

Lobe Love offers you to sign up for a subscription. Their subscriptions are quarterly with you receiving your preferred option four times a year.  You would be surprised with 4 pairs of new trendy statement earrings. They are hand picked pieces that make you feel great and empowered.

Currently their Quarterly Collections are sold out. However, their shop is filled with lots of these adorable earrings that can still be purchased separately.

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Seek The Truth

I want to give a shout out to a style that I absolutely love from Lobe Love. It is the Seek The Truth Statement Earrings. These pieces are so beautiful! I enjoy that they are shaped like a fan, because they give that angular look. It is so nice that they are made of acrylic, allowing them to be lightweight on the ears. They are blended with beautiful cotton candy colors. Thus, causing me to be so mesmerized by them.

I can literally stare at them all day, because they are that captivating. The hues of the pink and blues remind me of the ocean on a beautiful sun rise morning.

At their length, they are three point fifteen inches and are on a fish hook. They make perfect to wear for the upcoming Spring and Summer seasons. They are very affordable, retailing at nineteen dollars. Lobe Love provides free shipping for purchases over seventy-five dollars. That is such an amazing deal.

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Daringly Different

Every girl should have a piece that they truly love and feel absolutely glamorous in! And for me that is the Daringly Different Statement Earrings. The details on these earrings are so flattering, with a wicker circle at the top and four fringe tassels at the bottom. They are lightweight and come on a fish hook. Lengthwise, they are also about three inches, but with a girth of four inches. I love wearing them for classy nights out.

They give me the feeling of a super confident vixen. When I imagine being on a tropical beach, wicker comes into my mind. When I imagine an elegant affair, tassels is what I see due to their flirty movements. I love the versatility of these earrings! These beautiful earrings retail at twenty-four dollars. They make the cutest gifts for every fun and confident lady.

Find out more at Lobe Love / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest

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