Old-Fashioned Romantic Gestures That Still Work Today

Old-Fashioned Romantic Gestures That Still Work Today

Old-Fashioned Romantic Gestures That Still Work Today

We’re all guilty of being a bit… casual when it comes to relationships. Maybe we take our long-term partner for granted, or we don’t want to seem corny to a new love interest. Whatever the reason, we forget to do the little things that say more than hours of couple’s therapy. Why not make an effort? These are tried-and-true, old-fashioned romantic gestures that still work today.

Opening the Door

There’s nothing more romantic than respect, and that was what we were expressing when we opened up doors for our loved ones. Unfortunately, at some point, the practice got a bad rap for being anti-feminist. But today, it’s not about a power struggle. Whatever your gender identity, open a door for your partner. Help them into the car, and close it gently after them. Give the revolving door a little boost when they go through. Take turns! It’s only fair that you both should have the chance to show you care.

A Box of Chocolates

Once upon a time, there was an unwritten law that heart-shaped boxes of mass-produced chocolates were the only acceptable gift for Valentine’s Day. But now that we’re focusing on healthier lifestyles, we’ve forgotten that a nibbled truffle after dinner is the ultimate decadence. Today, a box of chocolate has an even greater impact when it’s a no-occasion, just-because gift. For bonus points, splurge on a customized gourmet selection of their guiltiest pleasures.

Sincere Compliments

We mean well when we “like” their Instagram pictures or text them, “You up?” But there are better ways to tell someone that we’re thinking of them. Every once in a while, let go of the affectionate sarcasm, the obscure in-jokes, the slang, and the emojis. Tell them exactly what you like about them. Everyone’s love language is language when it’s straightforward, eloquent, and from the heart.

Slow Dancing

There was a time when besotted couples used to slow-dance anytime, anywhere—at Sweet 16 parties, at the supper club, or barefoot in the living room. But these days, we’re either listening to songs with our headphones on or wearing earplugs to drown out the throbbingly loud music. Believe it: this is an old-fashioned romantic gesture that still works today like gangbusters. You don’t have to get cute with ballroom dance lessons. Just choose a song that’s your song, and play it whenever you can. All you have to do is sway—and soon, you’ll both be swooning.

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