Peace and Harmony: 4 Tips for Improving Your Dog’s Behavior

Peace and Harmony: 4 Tips for Improving Your Dog’s Behavior

Peace and Harmony: 4 Tips for Improving Your Dog’s Behavior

Though they say a dog is a human’s best friend, they don’t always act like it. In fact, it’s common for pets to develop some bad habits—whether it be from their initial training or because they have no motivation to stop. Chewing, jumping, barking, and biting are just a few instances where annoyance can cross over into unacceptable and leave you struggling to maintain control. So, if you find that your own lovable companion is exhibiting some less-than-ideal behaviors, it’s important that you put an end to it fast. Use these four tips for improving your dog’s behavior to ensure they’re a perfect fit for your home.

Make Sure Your Dog Gets Exercise

One of the most prevalent reasons why dogs begin getting into trouble is their energy level. When pets, especially puppies, have an abundance of energy, they look for any avenue to expend it. As such, they’ll often turn to the things in their immediate environment. This is when they’ll chew things, break into storage containers, and even dig in the yard—all things that are a major headache to you. Because of this, it’s highly recommended that you play with your dog and take them for walks so that they’re less likely to turn to other methods.

Retrain Them To Create Better Habits

Putting in the effort to retrain is also an important tip for improving your dog’s behavior. This is because, just like humans, dogs often need repetition in order to learn and understand certain concepts. Even brushing up on the basics can help reestablish some discipline in your dog and better familiarize them with your commands. Then, when it comes time to get control of them, they’re more likely to pay attention and respond accordingly. Therefore, while retraining might feel like a step backwards, remember that it’s to reinforce positive behaviors and eliminate most of the negative ones.

Use Tools To Enforce Household Rules

Keep in mind that you might need to use certain resources to prevent your dog from getting into things that they shouldn’t be. Backyard gates and indoor crates are good examples of this because they allow you to safely contain your pet while clearly defining what’s off-limits to them. These things are even beneficial for setting boundaries during training sessions. Treats are another good item to use to help establish behavior. However, they can enforce both good and bad habits so don’t just give them out readily—your dog should have to earn them.

Consider a Board and Train Program

If you still find that you’re struggling to get your dog to behave on your own, it may be necessary to call for reinforcements. Board and train programs allow you to remove your pet from the environment where they often act up. This change alone can make them more susceptible to training by reestablishing a sense of structure. Board and train programs have a series of additional benefits as well such as increased socialization, consistency, and time with a certified dog trainer.

Remember that training your dog isn’t something that you can accomplish overnight; it will take some time. But by putting in the work, you’ll be able to promote positive habits and bond with your pet.

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