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Products Safe For Baby

Use These Safe Products For Your Baby When They Need A Little Extra Help

When our little ones are teething or have a diaper rash we immediately go into “Mom” mode.  I mean, we don't want our baby to feel something bad if they don't have to.  Unfortunately, most of the junk on the market nowadays isn't actually safe for baby, especially if they get into it when Mom or Dad isn't looking.  Well, Punkin Butt is a company that's all about natural, safe products for baby.  What a great name, right?  Instead of reaching for teething gel with chemicals and medicine, use their amazing teething oil that's completely safe even if baby accidentally drinks the whole bottle!  All of their items are this safe and they even have wonderful things for parents/adults.  I can't wait to use the natural chapstick they sent me.

Safe Products They Sent

Punkin Butt sent me their awesome Punkin Butt Natural Chapstick, as I said above, and I really like it.  This lip balm helps even the driest lips, which I actually have every winter.  Obviously, it's made with all natural ingredients and that means it's even safe for little ones. My youngest granddaughter loves playing with lip balm if she finds it, but at least I won't have to worry that it will hurt her if she does.  They come in all kinds of lovely flavors such as Acai and Blueberry, Cherry, Cotton Candy, Monkey Fruit, Orange Clove, Pumpkin Chai, and Weather Balm.  My favorite happens to be Cotton Candy, I'm sure.

They also sent their Punkin Butt Teething Oil and I can't wait to give this to someone I love.  My granddaughters are grown but I was thinking that they could even use it for any kind of pain in their mouth.  It's completely safe, which I absolutely love.  This little glass bottle (1oz.) includes a dropper top for controlled dispersion.  It has a small peppermint odor but please be aware that they absolutely make sure that's theres no more than 0.83% of essential oils inside.  This makes it safe for baby and that's the most important reason they create these products.  As I said earlier, even if your little one accidentally drinks the entire bottle, they'll only have some loose stools, but you won't have to rush them to the hospital.  This teething oil can be used as often as needed because it's so safe.

There are many more safe items that baby may need, but remember that they also have stuff for parents too!

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