Cheerful active senior couple exercising in the park together

13 Smart Strategies to Stay Fit Even With a Tight Schedule

Though it’s not ideal, it’s a sad fact that many people allow work to consume most of their lives. However, although it’s not wrong to be motivated to work, too much of it could also do you more harm than good.

No matter how busy you get, it’s always important to set aside time to rest and recharge. Even though not everyone will consider exercise as such, it’s an excellent and effective way of combating stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Incorporating some movements into your existing routine, such as doing squats while brewing coffee or riding a stationary bike while watching TV, is already a great way to get your body moving. However, if you want to take it a step further, you may find a workout buddy who will hold you accountable for showing up for them and yourself. It may be hard to change your habits, but one small step at a time can bring you closer to your fitness and health goals.

Get Your Exercise in at Home

A beautiful middle-aged woman, home exercise
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We see countless influencers and vloggers on social media who focus on health and fitness. They usually show people that the best exercises and workout equipment can be found in the gym.

However, just because you don’t have the extra time needed to head to the gym doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find a way to exercise. Working out at home using your own equipment or even following a YouTube video of a home workout will do wonders to help you stay active.

If you get bored staring at the four corners of your home, then head outside. Go for a walk or a run around your neighborhood, and maybe you can even find some new workout or running buddies.

Go With an Exercise You Find Enjoyable

Happy athletic woman running
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Exercising can easily be classified as a chore. This is why it’s essential to find a workout that you find enjoyable or something you love doing.

If you’re doing a workout that brings you joy, then it’ll increase your motivation tenfold. In the long run, this will also help you gain more stability in your routine as you become more committed to what you’re doing.

In addition, Renpho, a website focused on fitness and wellness, notes that the benefits of finding joy in exercise go beyond the physical. When you work out and enjoy it, you release feel-good hormones, such as endorphins, which improve your mood and reduce anxiety and stress.

Wake Up Earlier And Get Your Workout In Before The Day Takes Over

Senior man training on a yoga mat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you’re a busy bee who has something on their plate from morning till night, the best way to incorporate a workout into your daily routine is by starting earlier. Waking up an hour or 30 minutes more than you usually would is, in fact, enough time to get your exercise in.

Early morning workouts are generally considered to lead to better results over time. However, in reality, you just need to find a time that works for you. It doesn’t have to be in the morning or night; the most important thing is that you can do it.

A 2019 study published in the International Journal of Obesity, however, argues that those who exercised before noon lost significantly more weight compared to others who did their workouts after 3 p.m. Aside from this, early exercisers were believed to be slightly more active throughout the rest of the day.

Commit to 10 Minutes of Activity Three Times Daily

Motivated athletic handsome middle aged asian man
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People who have a lot on their plate may understandably find it hard to block out an hour or 30 minutes of their time for exercise all at once. An easy solution to combat this roadblock is to section off your workouts into three or more parts.

For example, instead of doing a 30-minute workout in one afternoon, you could divide it into three sessions. Take 10 minutes in the morning before you go to work for some quick aerobic exercises; then, take 10 minutes during your lunch break to walk around the office. Finally, you can use the last 10 minutes to stretch during your breaks in the office or take a walk at night after dinner.

Opt for The Stairs Whenever You Have the Chance

Image of happy smiling young couple, runners walking up or running on stone stairs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the best ways to quickly get moving during a busy day is to take advantage of the stairs. By climbing a couple of stories, you’ll undoubtedly get your heart rate pumping, effectively giving the benefits of a workout without having to set aside a separate time for it.

Sure, you can argue that you already walk a lot during your spare time. However, walking up and down the stairs would burn considerably more calories than walking on a flat surface.

A 2015 article from Allina Health notes that walking down the stairs can burn anywhere between 175 and 275 calories per hour. Conversely, walking up the stairs can burn 530 to 835 calories per hour.

Remember That Little Things Go a Long Way

Man walking, mall parking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Like taking the stairs, there are other ways to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life. These don’t have to involve any big changes; you just need to ensure you’re actively making the effort to be more active.

For example, instead of finding a spot close to the office or mall entrance, deliberately park further away. This will allow you to take a couple of steps in, both as you walk toward the building and away from it.

Another example is walking to a colleague’s desk when you need to ask them something. Stand up and walk there instead of sending an email or a text. Though small, these steps will still contribute to your overall physical activity at the end of the day.

Incorporate Exercise Into Your Existing Routine

Handsome fitness caucasian young man, squat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Habits are hard to break. Thankfully, you don’t need to do so to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life.

Don’t break your habits; instead, try altering or improving them. For example, instead of standing idly while your coffee is brewing, do some squats or jog around the kitchen counter. Instead of watching TV while lying down on the sofa, get on a stationary bike or a treadmill.

You can even blast some music on and dance while doing your chores! Whatever you do, just ensure you’re moving your body.

Give Yourself Regular Breaks From the Computer

Man stretches during work break
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

No matter how busy you are, taking screen breaks is a must. Aside from lessening the strain from your eyes, you’re also helping yourself maintain a good state of mind as a whole.

AXA Health explains that breaks are essential because they can help with productivity, energy levels, and overall well-being. Taking breaks will also help mitigate headaches, migraines, neck pain, and more.

Beyond these things, you can also take this opportunity to move around, stand up, and walk to colleagues’ desks, or you can even do some stretches. Healthline suggests doing triceps, upper body, and arm stretches. Shoulder and trunk rotations are also other exercises you can consider.

Make Your Daily Commute Matter

Beautiful middle-aged woman commuting through the city by bike
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You may not realize it, but there may actually be many missed opportunities in your daily routine to incorporate physical activity. For example, you may have been so used to taking the subway or the metro that you forget that it could be a chance for you to clock in some exercise time.

This is why making your daily commute matter is important. Instead of taking the train, maybe you could bike to work. Or, if you’re pressed for time, perhaps you can do some stretches before the train arrives.

A study from RunRepeat shares that a 180-pound adult can burn 50.31 calories by cycling for an hour at a moderate speed, around 12 to 13.9 miles per hour. If you bike a little faster or more vigorously, you can burn three times more calories.

Hop off the Bus a Stop Early

Happy smiling senior couple family hugging while walking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Riding the bus to work gives you another opportunity to make your commute matter. Though changes in this particular part of routine may be small, there’s no denying how big of an impact they can have on your overall health.

First, you can opt to walk to the bus stop instead of having someone drop you off. Second, it’s also great practice to hop off your bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way to your home or office.

Plan Your Workouts Ahead by Scheduling Them In Your Calendar

Mature athlete working out
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Someone drowning in work can find it hard to find the time to work out and be active. A simple yet effective solution is to include a time for exercise in your calendar.

Schedule a workout an hour or two after work and stick to it. Even if you feel too lazy, be accountable to yourself and do yourself a favor by working out.

In the long run, this will help you improve your sleep quality or maybe even help you fall asleep quicker. Plus, fatigue and feelings of sluggishness will quickly melt away after you release some endorphins from your workout.

Find a Workout Buddy You Can Exercise With for Accountability

Young athletic men meeting in the gym and shaking hands after workout
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the best ways to stay accountable to yourself is by finding a workout buddy you can exercise with. Having someone who sees you as a partner or someone who relies on you for motivation will push you to do better. It’ll encourage you to work out and do your best, even when you don’t feel like it.

WebMD also explains that having someone waiting on you at the gym will motivate you to get there on time. Plus, it makes you extra wary of skipping out on your workout. In more ways than one, having an exercise buddy can truly be a great incentive to get you moving.

Make Sure Your Workout Attire Is Always on Hand, Even at Work

Smiling black woman wearing sport clothes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We understand that your work schedule can get packed. If you still have to go home to change, your body may crash with all the fatigue, preventing you from getting your much-needed workout in.

To avoid this, it’d be best to keep at least one set of workout clothes and some shoes where you are. You can keep them in a separate bag, place them under your desk, or even leave them in your car.

With this, you can seize any opportunity to work out. Even if you get off work a little bit later than usual, you can head straight into the gym because you already have your clothes in the car.

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