Snuggle With Sunday Citizen
Snuggle Up With These Products From Sunday Citizen
Well, Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Unfortunately, I'm going to be my own Valentine, but if you have a significant other they can snuggle up with you. Luckily, Sunday Citizen sent me the most amazing products, which means I don't need a Valentine! They sent me their Plush Towel Set in Purple, Snug Throw in Sahara Tan, and Bamboo Crystal Weighted Blanket in White.
Not only are these items absolutely luxurious, but they're also the softest materials I've ever touched! The Snug Throw went on my bed as soon as I could open the package. The word “soft” doesn't even come close to describing it. I wanted to melt into it to become one with this thing. If you have a chance of getting yourself one, you definitely won't regret it. As a matter of fact, get one for your Valentine!
Snuggle With Yourself Or Your Valentine
All of these products can be used to snuggle because of the quality they're made of. Even the towels are fluffy, hugely sized, and satiny. Whether you have a Valentine or you don't doesn't matter either. I certainly don't have a significant other but that didn't stop me from snuggling up on my couch with my Snug Throw. How did it make me feel? I'd be happy to answer that for you! I felt like I was in one of those happy, sappy romantic comedies that I love to laugh at.
Each Product Offers Something Unique
Plush Towel Set – This towel set isn't just a normal set because not only do you get regular bath towels, you get huge ones. These towels measure an enormous 30″ x 60″! They're made from 100% combed long-staple low twist cotton, which means they're made to last. Of course, there are no harsh chemicals used and they happen to be more absorbent than other towels. Oh, did I mention that you'll receive 6 towels with this set? You get 2 bath towels, 2 hand towels (20″ x 36″), and 2 wash cloths (13″ x 13″).
Snug Throw – This amazingly velvety soft throw will offer you a snuggle that you can't get elsewhere. They sent me a queen sized throw which measures 90″ x 90″. To say it's very large is an understatement! This is perfect for lounging on the couch or use it while lying in bed to keep you extra warm all night. My bedroom gets very cold so I use it in bed. It kept me so warm that I actually had to uncover my feet in the middle of the night.
Bamboo Crystal Weighted Blanket –This blanket is weighted with crystals and/or gemstones and if you know anything about them you know they're used in holistic healing. There's amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz and they each have their own healing properties. I have the 10 pound one and it measures at 52″ x 77″. The package it came in included a small bag of these exact crystals, which I thought was quite impressive.
I left this for last for a reason. I happen to have severe anxiety and panic attacks, not to mention depression. They kind of always go together don't they? Anyway, weighted blankets are supposed to help anxiety by feeling like a supportive pressure on the chest/body. I'm here to tell you that it helps me! Now, I'm not going to lie and tell you I don't have panic attacks anymore because I do. However, the weight just feels like a nice hug and helps.
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