The Beneficial Effects of Garlic anti-inflammatory activity




Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the most potent natural antioxidants. The anti-oxidant activity is due to the presence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the raw material. In the laboratory, garlic extracts have been found to be more effective in destroying microorganisms than conventional antibacterial agents. Australian Garlic is able to kill cancer cells in the body at a lower rate as compared to chemotherapy drugs. In fact, studies are currently underway on how it can be used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

Garlic anti-inflammatory activity has been studied extensively by researchers in Japan. In a recent study, they reported that consumption of garlic extracts was highly effective in preventing the development of auto-immune diseases such as arthritis. Japanese researchers have also proved that the anti-inflammatory activity of garlic extracts is due to the ability of the compound to induce apoptosis, a type of programmed cell death. They succeeded in this endeavor by exposing human blood cells to extracts from white clover, alfalfa, or mare clover. When the cells were exposed to the extracts, they showed less proliferation as compared to those cells that were not subjected to the compound.

Other research by other groups also found that the most beneficial effects of this bioactive compound come from its ability to inhibit the formation of intercellular adhesion molecules, which are known to increase the risk of developing cancer. These molecules are known to attach to the interior surface of cells, facilitating the movement of fluids and substances between cells. As a result, the smooth flow of fluid and substances within the organism is greatly affected.

In experiments conducted in rats, garlic prevented the development of tumor induced nephroma. Neutoma is a nephroma that develops in the soft tissue of the stomach, commonly in the vicinity of the food pipe. The group found that treatment with garlic prevented the formation of tumors in the rats, suggesting that the substance may have potential antineoplastic properties. In addition to nephroma, the scientists also detected evidence of carcinogenic activity in the treated rats. More studies are still needed to strengthen the data on the benefits of garlic in preventing tumor and cancerous growths.

Garlic has powerful antibacterial, antiparasitic, and antioxidant properties. It contains a number of allergenic proteins that have been proven to be responsible for causing allergic reactions in some people. These allergic reactions may include skin rashes, contact dermatitis, and asthma. To avoid such allergic reactions, people with garlic extract products should be aware of how their bodies react to the proteins contained in these natural dietary supplements. Since no tests have yet been conducted to authenticate the potency and efficacy of these compounds in the fight against bacteria and viruses, using them in clinical trials that involve the administration of live antibiotics is not advisable.


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