Tips for New Parents on Feeding Their Baby

Tips for New Parents on Feeding Their Baby

After months of carrying your child, they’re finally here in the world. You’ll want nothing more than to hold and love on your baby as much as you can, including feeding them properly.

Even more so, you want to ensure that your newborn baby gets the proper nutrients for optimal growth and development. So, here are some new parents’ tips for feeding your newborn baby.

Use Feedings as Bonding Time

During their early months, newborn babies will need numerous feedings throughout the day, which can affect your sleep cycle. Despite how tired you may feel, take feeding opportunities as moments to bond and fall deeper in love with your baby. Hold them close, look them in the eyes, speak gently, and establish trust.

Stay Consistent With Feedings

On average, newborns feed every 2 to 3 hours, or between 8 to 12 daily feedings. A helpful newborn parent tip for feeding your baby is understanding hunger cues, such as hand movements, lip smacking, and sucking on fingers and fists. When you’ve started to recognize early signals, ensure that their feedings remain consistent and establish a routine as they grow more comfortable with feeding.

Remember to Relax

While making sure that you and your baby are comfortable during their feeding, remember to let yourself relax during this time. Babies are keener than expected, as they can tell if you’re feeling nervous or anxious and can struggle with latching. Take some deep breaths, put on some soothing music or white noise, and sit in a room that brings your tranquility.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask for Help

Whether you struggle with breastfeeding or providing proper formula for your baby, don’t feel afraid to reach out to a family member or pediatrician to point you in the right direction. Lactation consultants help with feeding your baby, especially if you struggle with feeding pain or if your baby isn’t putting on proper weight.

Baby Formula vs. Breast Milk

When feeding your baby, the optimal choice is to go with breastmilk. However, breast milk isn’t an option in some situations, so switching to infant formula would suffice.

There are some significant differences between breast milk and baby formula. While baby formula provides many options that specifically fit your baby’s needs, breast milk boosts their immune system with antibodies. Ensure that you make the right choice to help your baby thrive during its growth.

It’s crucial to remember that all babies are different and will find their rhythm for feeding. Try not to feel guilty if you’re struggling with feeding, everything will naturally fall into place.

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