
Tips to Help You Keep the Weight off After Bariatric Surgery

As with any surgery, your body went through some major trauma and changes with the bariatric, or so-called weight loss surgery. Now, it will need time to adapt to the new rhythm and get back in shape. It will need enough rest to heal properly and afterward, you’ll need to take really good care of it.


In this article, we will talk you through some tips on how not to gain weight after having weight loss surgery. You’ll need to make some huge diet changes, and you will need to get the right nutrients and supplements. 

Supplement intake 

Supplements are just as important as any other nutrient. Post-surgery your stomach will work differently, and because of the trauma, it may be easily irritated. That’s why you’d want to consider taking some good post-bariatric supplements, such as the Celebrate supplements. They won’t irritate your stomach lining and will be well resorbed meaning your body will get all the nutrients needed to retain optimal function. 

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Tips on keeping the weight off

The tips that we’d normally give for maintaining a healthy weight are slightly different when it comes to post-bariatric patients. That is, in the beginning. After that, the same rules apply to every one, since your body is getting used to all the changes and basically accepting the new lifestyle.

Always consult with GP and dietitian 

Once you get to do the weight loss surgery, you’re putting all your trust in your doctors. You should continue doing so until the doctor clears you up completely. After bariatric surgery, patients cannot take up any supplements or solid foods for around a week or so. The main reason behind this is because you don’t want to upset your stomach even more than it already is.


As soon as your wound heals and the stomach lining gets back to normal, you’re free to start with foods that are mild in taste. We don’t even have to state the reason why you should avoid spicy food since you’ve probably imagined the outcome. After a short while, you’ll be given the green light to consume any type of food you want. This is where patients get too comfy and go straight to junk food. It’s the easiest way to fall off track. Junk food would be ok, as long as you realize that you should pull yourself together quickly, without getting deeper. 

Cook healthy meals

The first couple of weeks you’ll be too tired to do anything. That’s completely fine. Once you feel better and your doctor recommends trying solid foods, it’s time to get to work. Cooking can be extremely therapeutic when done solo. It can be really fun and reconnect you with people if you’re doing it with your loved ones. The point is, you can never go wrong. You should try cooking different, healthy meals every day. That way, you’ll have diversity in your diet and won’t get bored. You’ll find recipes you like and ones that you hate. 


You can look up ideas online, or you can invest in a giant cookbook that you’ll keep in your kitchen drawer. There are different cookbooks, written by professionals that can really help you with your weight loss journey. You can ask your dietitian to recommend some, and he’d gladly do so. 

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Prepping meals

Not everyone has time to cook every day. This is where meal prep comes in handy. It requires one hour a week and you have food in your fridge for seven full days. You’re happy, your housemates are happy, and your bank account is beaming since you’re saving so much money. 


Always cook healthy food and store it in portion-sized containers in the fridge. Heat it up in the oven when you’re ready to eat and be proud of your success. Make sure to share that tip with all your friends, since they’ll be asking you for sure! Meal prepping is definitely the best thing ever discovered. As long as you follow the instructions that you’re given, you’ll have no problem whatsoever. 

Vitamins and supplements 

A healthy, balanced diet will not only help you keep the weight off, but it will also pack you with enough nutrients for the whole day. But, are you going to get enough vitamins? Well, that completely depends on the kinds of food you’re eating. Most healthy foods have enough vitamins for the day, but sometimes, especially after bariatric surgery, you might need a little bit extra. 


This is the moment where you purchase high-quality vitamins from the pharmacy. If you’re not into swallowing hard pills, you can get multivitamin tablets that can easily be dissolved in water. They come in different flavours, so you can choose your favourite. This is extremely important because you’ll be hydrated and full of vitamins in a matter of minutes.

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