
What Causes Anxiety and What NOT To Do About It

Anxiety is a normal human emotion. Everyone feels anxious at times, but anxiety disorders are different and can be disabling. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and phobias. In this article, we will list 9 causes of anxiety and what you should not do about it.

1. Stress

Stress is one of the causes of anxiety. Stress can cause anxiety because it's a highly emotional state that can make you feel overwhelmed and afraid.

It often stems from problems at work, home, or school. If you're stressed about something that isn't going right in your life, then it could cause anxiety to develop.

Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive worry and fear over everyday situations. These fears are often irrational and can cause symptoms like sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea or vomiting, shortness of breath or chest pain, dizziness or lightheadedness, numbness or tingling sensations (like pins and needles), muscle tension headaches and trouble sleeping.

2. Family history

It turns out that your family history is one of the main causes of anxiety. If you’re like most people, you don’t think about your family very often—but you might want to start!

Family history is one of the main causes of anxiety because it can be difficult to cope with. For example, if your parents were always fighting when you were younger, it may make it difficult for you to deal with conflict as an adult. Or if everyone in your family is extremely organized and neat, then it might make some things feel extra stressful for you if you’re not as organized or neat as they are.

Moreover, if  your parents or grandparents have had anxiety disorders, then you're more likely than other people to experience them yourself. This is because some genetic factors are passed down through families—you might have inherited your genetic predisposition for anxiety from your mom or dad.

3. Illness

The link between anxiety and illness is a complex one. It's not just a matter of being ill, but also of being diagnosed as mentally ill—a diagnosis that can be triggered by an illness. In fact, one study found that if you have chronic pain, the likelihood that you'll be diagnosed with depression or anxiety increases significantly. In other words. It's not just having an illness that can cause anxiety; it's also being told by a doctor that you are ill.

For example, many people with chronic illnesses (like diabetes or heart disease) experience constant worry about whether they're doing enough to take care of themselves. They could experience anxiety in response to things like blood sugar levels or heart rate fluctuations, which are indicators of how well their bodies are functioning. This kind of worry may lead them to seek out more information about their condition, which can lead their doctors to diagnose them with depression or anxiety.

4. Traumatic events

Traumatic events are one of the causes of anxiety and can cause people to develop a mental illness. This is because traumatic events can be so overwhelming that they cause a person's mind and body to go into survival mode, which makes them feel like they are not in control of their own lives.

When you have a traumatic event happen in your life, it can feel like everything has been taken away from you, which can make you feel helpless. This helplessness is then turned into worry and fear over what will happen next and if things will ever get better again. These feelings can lead up to panic attacks, depression, and other mental illnesses if left untreated.

5. Neglected by parents

Neglect is defined as an emotional or physical absence of support or care in childhood, usually by a parent or guardian. It can be caused by many things—a parent who is unable to provide support because they are struggling with their own problems; parents who are struggling to support themselves financially; parents who are unable to provide adequate care because of substance abuse issues; and more.

Neglect is often tied to other risk factors for anxiety disorders, such as low self-esteem, depression, and substance abuse problems. If you're suffering from anxiety, you may also want to consider whether your parents neglected you when growing up and if that may be contributing to your current struggle with anxiety.

6. Do not ignore it

If you're not careful, ignoring it will make things much worse for you—like when someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable or weirded out but then they don't stop talking to you.The feeling gets worse over time because they are still talking to you, and then eventually they start saying things that make it worse again, and so on and so forth until one day you snap at them for no reason whatsoever and say something horrible in return (and then everyone involved is embarrassed), which makes everything even worse than before!

The only way to fix something is to acknowledge it first—and “something” includes anything from a thought or feeling that comes into your head (like an idea about how someone might react if they did something specific) all the way down to physical symptoms like sweating.

7. Do not self-medicate

The term “self-medication” refers to using a substance or medication to treat symptoms of a medical condition, instead of getting the care you need from a doctor.

Self-medication is often used to treat anxiety, but it can actually cause more problems than it solves. You may feel better for a while, but it's important to understand that there are risks involved in self-medicating with over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Anxiety disorders are very serious and persistent conditions that require evaluation and treatment by your healthcare provider. There are many effective treatments available for treating anxiety disorders, including medications such as antidepressants and benzodiazepines (Xanax), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and other types of psychotherapy.

8. Do not isolate yourself from others

You may feel like you're going through something that nobody else understands or knows about, but this is just not true. Everyone has experienced anxiety at some point in their lives—it's a normal part of being human. If you have a friend who's been through similar things as you, talk to them! They'll be able to help guide you through the tough times and make sure that you get through it without losing hope entirely.

Just because one person doesn't understand your situation doesn't mean they shouldn't try to help! Even if they don't understand how hard it must be for you right now, they know someone who does—and they might even want to reach out if they hear that someone else is struggling with similar issues as well!

9. Don’t be afraid on facing your fears

Fear is a normal human emotion. It is the result of our brain's natural response to any kind of danger or threat. We have fear when we are faced with something we don't know or cannot control, like an earthquake, fire or even eating food that may make us sick.

Anxiety is different from fear because it occurs when you are faced with something you can control. Anxiety is caused by the thought that something bad might happen and this makes you feel uncomfortable, disturbed and stressed out about a situation causing you stress and uneasiness.

You can reduce anxiety by facing your fears and by doing something to distract yourself from thinking about the negative thoughts that could cause your stress levels to increase causing more anxiety symptoms such as muscle tension, irritability and mood swings.


As it turns out, we should probably just create a rewarding environment for our brain and body. We need to train our mind to be healthier and happier while trying more to relax. It's going to take some effort but it is possible with some changes in how you think and act. Do your best to create a positive state of mind; you will be glad you did!

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