What Happens When You Get Injured In Another Country
Traveling abroad is thrilling and exciting. You get to see new places and monuments, experience new cultures, and meet different people. It takes a lot to prepare for a trip. Between luggage, passports, travel documents, and daily necessities, the last thing you would think of is getting injured in foreign lands.
Dealing with injuries in your country is already a hectic process, but it gets trickier when you are in an unfamiliar place. Luckily, you are not out of options. Here are some important things to consider if you are injured abroad.
Causes of Injuries
Traveling abroad is an adventure to embark on, but it is not free of dangers. Acknowledging the injury types will help you avoid them or deal with them properly in case they happen. For instance, traffic accidents are common since their causes vary. Reckless drivers, poor road maintenance, or different traffic laws. Unfortunately, crime exists all over the world. So, you should take care of your belongings in order not to become a victim. If your vacation program contains activities, you may suffer an unfortunate accident. Water activities, for instance, can be dangerous due to the lack of experience, changing conditions and water levels, or poor-quality of the activity operators. Other causes can be food poisoning, elevator injuries, or injuries from overloaded conditions.
Get Medical Care
Like any injury sustained in an accident, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. It helps if you have already checked the healthcare system of the country you are traveling to ahead of time. Look up physicians, hospitals, or healthcare facilities in the area you are in. You should carry your medical records with you; a soft copy on your phone will suffice. According to Sun City personal injury lawyers, you can call the local authority or the embassy in case of severe injuries and emergencies. Having travel insurance can also benefit you in such situations. When medical professionals arrive at the accident scene, make sure that you are admitted to a hospital to address your injury properly, and have the necessary documentation of the injury. In terms of fees, it differs in each country. For example, if you are in Europe, you get significant access to state medical care with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Keep Evidence
While the first thing you think about after sustaining an injury is tending to your wounds, you should not neglect any piece of evidence. For instance, you or your travel companion should take photos of the scene from several angles. Moreover, you must capture your injuries after the accident. Gathering information from witnesses can help your case when you file for an injury claim or compensation. Try to keep track of the people involved, plate numbers, phone contacts, or insurance information. If you are injured within a hotel, resort, or any commercial facility, you should get compensation from the administrative members. By gathering evidence, your case will go smoothly.
File an Accident Report
As previously mentioned, in case the injury is sustained inside a hotel, resort, restaurant, cruise ship, or even a spa, it is better to take action. Contact the manager and file for a report. This way you guarantee a professional way of addressing the issue. Remember to keep a copy of the report in case you want to aggravate the case.
Hire an Attorney
The question of whether you can file a lawsuit against a foreign person or entity that caused your injury is not answered directly. Cases vary and there are many aspects to consider. First off, bringing a claim differs from one country to another due to the difference in laws, stipulations, and legal systems. This may impose financial limitations on the money you will need in recovery.
Luckily, there is nothing safer than consulting a professional in the legal field. A reputable and skilled lawyer will have the background knowledge that can significantly turn your case around. This is because such an attorney is an expert on handling foreign country claims, thus getting a deserved compensation. Typically, injury attorneys offer free initial consultations, so you do not have to worry.
Contact Your Insurance Provider
In case you have secured travel insurance before your trip, you can call the firm and state the incident. On the other hand, with normal health insurance, you may find suitable coverage for your medical bills. It is wise to check with the company to know more about your options.
Travel is fun, adventurous, and great until you get into an accident. As unfortunate as this may seem, you are not out of options. The key is to act immediately to recuperate from the injuries, file a claim, and get proper compensation if possible. The process can go smoothly with the help of a skilled lawyer to deal with any jurisdiction, legal, or liability issues in a foreign country.