
What To Do When You Feel Sad And You Don’t Know Why : 10 Tips


Everyone feels sad at some point in their life.You feel down, you are unhappy and you don't know why. You let go of hope and everything seems pointless.This is a difficult situation for anyone. When we're sad, productivity goes down and motivation goes up the drain. When we don't feel well, it seems there's no way to turn things around, right? Well, this post is going to make you think twice about that.


Sadness can creep up on you when you least expect it. You can be happy one moment and sad the next, and sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. If you're feeling sad for no apparent reason, here are 10 tips to help you cope:


  1. Go for a walk


Walking is a great way to help you overcome sadness. It can be a very relaxing and therapeutic activity. Walking is often regarded as an effective treatment for depression and anxiety, because it gives your brain a chance to relax and focus on something else besides the negative thoughts that cause such feelings.


Walking also gives you some time alone, which is always good for your mental health. It allows you to clear your head and get away from the stresses of life for just a little while. This can be especially helpful if you live in an area where there isn't any nature or greenery around (like me).


Walking is also a low-impact exercise that's easy on the joints, making it great for all ages and fitness levels! It's also easy to do anywhere: at home, in the park or even on your lunch break at work!


  1. Talk about your feelings


One of the most difficult things about sadness is how trapped it can make us feel. We may feel like we're at the mercy of our circumstances, that we'll never be happy again, or that there's nobody to talk to who will really understand how we feel. It can be so isolating it makes us want to just hide in bed and never leave. But talking about your feelings with those you trust can help you overcome sadness.


First, by venting your feelings, you're releasing them rather than trying to keep them bottled up inside. When you talk about what you're feeling, you're not keeping it all bottled up anymore—you have an outlet for all of those thoughts and emotions that are swirling around in your head and driving you crazy. Talking also gives you a chance to get things off your chest in a way that keeps you from dwelling on them later on. As the old saying goes, “a problem shared is a problem halved.”


Second, talking helps put things into perspective. Getting it off your chest and hearing other people's reactions can help us see our problems more objectively and realize that we may be blowing things out of proportion or looking at them from too narrow a perspective. 


  1. Put on some music


Listening to music is an effective way to relax or get yourself out of a bad mood. There are many reasons for this. First, when you listen to music, especially upbeat music, your body naturally moves in time with the beat. Rhythm and movement are powerful tools that can help you overcome sadness.


When you move your body, your mind follows. In other words, when you dance to the rhythm of the music you find yourself happy for no reason at all!


Music can also help distract us from our emotions and thoughts. Sometimes we are so caught up in our thoughts that we cannot control them, and we begin to feel worse. Music helps us escape from these negative thoughts and emotions by helping us focus on something else instead.


Music can be a powerful tool to help you focus on the positive things in life and stop dwelling on the negative ones. It is also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety because it helps release endorphins into our brains which make us feel good! This explains why many people use headphones or earbuds when they want to relax and forget about their problems for a while!


  1. Write down your thoughts


Writing down your thoughts is an effective way to overcome sadness and depression. Your mood might be low, but writing can help you cope with these feelings.


When you’re feeling down, writing can help you get in touch with your feelings and express them in a healthy way. This gives you a chance to see what you’re thinking about and how it affects your overall outlook on life.


Writing is also a great way to get things off your chest that may be bothering you or weighing on your mind. Expressing your feelings in this way can help relieve stress, which can help improve your overall mood.


And when you write about something that’s bothering you, it helps make sense of the situation and helps reduce the negative emotions associated with it.


  1. Get some exercise


Exercise is a great way to help you feel better when you’re feeling down. It can also help you to prevent the onset of depression.


Exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety, stress, and irritability. It helps control weight, which can reduce feelings of guilt and shame. It improves self-esteem and body image. It helps reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.


Regular exercise also boosts energy levels by increasing the production of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are chemicals that we naturally produce when we exercise that give us a sense of well-being and happiness. This can make us feel more positive about life in general, even if we don’t always notice it right away after our workout session has ended!


Exercise is not just about physical health – it is also very important for mental health too!


  1. Have a cup of tea or coffee with a friend


When you feel sad, it's normal to want to spend time alone and away from people. However, sometimes a cup of tea or coffee with a friend can make all the difference.


When we're feeling down, we tend to isolate ourselves because we think that's what we need. However, as it turns out, being around others helps us deal with our feelings in a better way. The reason is simple: when we spend time with other people, they help us feel better by making us feel less alone in our sadness.


For example, if you're having a bad day at work and your colleague asks how your day was going or asks about your weekend plans, it might seem like an ordinary conversation at first glance but it actually makes you feel good about yourself and less lonely. All those little exchanges count too!


  1. Watch funny videos online




There's a reason why you feel better after watching a funny video. It's because your brain releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel good. Endorphins are responsible for the “runner's high” that many people experience after exercising.


Seeing something that makes you laugh can help improve your mood and make you feel happier. The best way to get these benefits is to watch videos with friends or family members who are also laughing at the same time. This helps you to share the laughter, which makes it more likely that you'll enjoy yourself.


If you're feeling sad, try watching a funny video with someone else in the room — preferably someone who also thinks it's funny! If they do, they'll be able to share the laughter with you while they're watching it, helping both of you feel better afterward!


  1. Shop for something new (but only if it won’t cause more stress!)


For many of us, it's a natural response to sadness to go shopping for something new. (Think: Retail therapy.) But if you're feeling down about your finances, buying something new may not be the best solution. This is because spending money on things we don't necessarily need can cause even more stress. It's not uncommon to have the “I should be saving this money” thought pop into our heads when we go shopping. Even if the purchase is small, it can feel like you're being irresponsible with your money and you could end up beating yourself up over it. So when shopping as a way to overcome sadness, be mindful of whether or not it will cause you more anxiety. If you feel like you really do need a pick-me-up, keep the potential guilt that comes with blowing your budget in mind and try to find something affordable. In other words, make sure that whatever your purchase is doesn't cost more than what you can realistically handle within your budget at the moment.


  1. Do something nice for someone else (write them a letter or send flowers)


It may sound ironic, but after a tough breakup or loss, the best thing to do is to treat yourself by practicing an act of kindness. Helping others will make you feel better about yourself and your current situation. It will also give you a greater sense of purpose and help you to get out of your own head. Good deeds can include something as simple as sending someone in your life a card with a nice note, or bringing food to someone who is sick or volunteering somewhere you're passionate about. Kindness is contagious and it's a powerful force for good. You'll find that it's impossible not to feel better when you're helping other people, so long as you are doing it for the right reasons.


  1. Try not to feel guilty about feeling sad


Feeling guilty about feeling sad is a sure way to make the sadness worse. It's important to learn how not to feel guilty about feeling sad.


When people feel guilty about their feelings, they don't want to admit it and they don't want anyone else to know about it either. They keep everything bottled up inside which only makes things worse because there are no healthy ways for them to deal with their feelings.


Being able to admit that you're sad is an important step towards healing from sadness and moving on with your life. People who are able to admit that they're sad are often able to get help from others much easier than those who try not to let anyone know that they're struggling with depression or anxiety. People who try not to let anyone know how they feel often isolate themselves from others and do not get support when they need it most which can make things much worse than they already are.


Being sad is part of being human and there’s no shame in feeling that way. It’s important to remember this and let yourself feel the way that you do, instead of trying to push it aside. Cry or scream, cry or scream, but however you decide to feel is worth honoring. Most importantly, if you ever feel like you will hurt yourself or others — please reach out for help. There is always someone there who can talk to you about your feelings and we all deserve to be heard when we need someone.


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