Why Teenagers Start Doing Drugs
The history of drugs is as old as humanity. Drugs have been known and used for a long time. The main part of drug addicts are teenagers and young people, who are much weaker psychologically than adults. During adolescence, there is an intensive restructuring of the body, accompanied by hormonal surges, psychological experiences and social adaptation to the adult world. The majority of interviewed pupils and students reported that they could easily get drugs at a disco, in a bar, or on the street from drug dealers.
The materials used to write the publication were taken from open sources on the Internet. There is teen rehabs information in the article, however, in order to better study the topic, we advise you to study it from several sources on the basis of which to draw conclusions. The information is not intended to be used as a medical aid. If you or your loved ones need treatment or consultation, you can call the support line of rehabilitation centers for teenagers and get the necessary information.
Drug addiction is a disease characterized by an irresistible craving for drugs, which causes euphoria in small doses, stupor, and narcotic sleep in large doses. Systematic use of the drug, as a rule, causes the need to increase doses. With drug addiction, internal organs are affected, neurological and mental disorders occur, and social degradation develops.
The main causes of teenage drug addiction
Today, experts distinguish two main types of causes of teenage drug addiction: social and psychological. These reasons can be both single, for example, only psychological, and complex.
Teens experiment with drugs for a number of reasons:
To fit in: Many teens use drugs “because other people are doing it”—or they think others are doing it—and fear that they won't be accepted in a social circle that includes peers who use drugs.
To feel good: Drugs of abuse interact with brain neurochemistry to produce feelings of pleasure. The intensity of this euphoria depends on the type of drug and the method of its use.
To feel better: Some teens suffer from depression, social anxiety, stress-related disorders, and physical pain. Drug use may be an attempt to reduce these feelings of distress. Stress plays a particularly important role in the initiation and continuation of drug use, as well as the return to drug use (relapse) for those in recovery.
To perform better: Our society is highly competitive, in which the pressure to perform athletically and academically can be intense. Some young people may turn to certain drugs, such as illegal or prescription stimulants because they think these substances will enhance or improve their performance.
To experiment: Teenagers are often motivated to seek out new experiences, especially those they perceive as exciting or daring.
Consequences of teenage drug addiction
Drug addiction cripples a person, and changes a person's character. Such patients become selfish: indifferent, lying, and emotionally unstable. Their gloomy irritability and aggression quickly change to complete indifference, their memory deteriorates, and their mental abilities degrade to dementia and disability. Also, concomitant diseases transmitted through a syringe injection or sexually: gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis often occur. as well as other infections. Teenagers who use narcotic substances have difficulty in communication, especially with close people. They perceive the environment and their relatives as potential enemies. The addict suffers and makes their loved ones suffer.
Drug addiction is a serious disease that requires special professional treatment. If problems arise, do not delay and seek help from specialists.
Signs of drug use by teenagers
As a teenager, you watch your child struggle to express himself. This self-expression is accompanied by moodiness. If you know your child and his habits well, you will be able to identify specific changes in behavior:
- a sudden change in lifestyle;
- separation from loved ones;
- a new circle of communication;
- lack of hobbies, interest in sports;
- poor performance at school;
- increased need for money;
- using large amounts of aromatics (incense, incense, air freshener) or mouthwash to mask the smell;
- use of eye drops;
- sudden mood changes (paranoia, aggression);
- depression or hyperactivity.
If you notice these signs in your child, have a conversation. If your fears are confirmed, contact the professionals from teen rehabs. Some experts even offer the opportunity to receive treatment for teenage drug addiction at rehab centers for teens.
How to help your child
- Do not argue with the child if they came home in a state of drug intoxication. Wait for them to sober up and calm down and then talk to her.
- Try to understand the true reasons that pushed your child to use drugs and act in the direction of eliminating these reasons.
- Tell your child that even though you don't like what they're doing, you still love them and will give them all the support they need for their health and safety.
- Spend more time with your child not only in front of the TV, but also in places where he likes to be. Try to understand what attracts her to this place, because then you can offer her other ways to spend her time.
- Connect with parents who also really want to help their drug-using children.
- Try to establish which drug your child is using.
- Google teenage drug rehab centers near me that provide help and treatment for drug users, do not hesitate to contact them if necessary.