8 Oily Skincare Tips
Oily skin can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with when it comes to looking after yourself. You can spend hours getting ready to go out, and no matter how good you look, your oily skin is always going to bring you down. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you wash; your skin always ends up looking shiny. What’s worse is the grimy feeling you are sometimes left with.
There is no need to fret too much about this issue, though. It is fairly common, which is why you will find plenty of advice about how to deal with oily skin. Before we get into that, let’s look at some of the causes of oily skin.
The Cause Of Oily Skin
Your skin is supposed to produce natural oils to protect your skin and hair. This waxy substance is called sebum, and it is normally undetectable to the naked eye; however, there are times when your skin glands can produce too much. This extra secretion is the main cause of oily skin, and it can be quite difficult to predict when your skin is going to act this way. Oily skin can contribute to the blockage of pores, which is the leading cause of skin conditions like acne. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to reduce this oily complexion. Read on to find out more.
Avoid Fried Food
While your skin glands are the main producer of oil on your skin, some foods can exacerbate these conditions. Fried foods, such as donuts, French fries, nuggets, and burgers, are full of saturated fats. These fats can cause your glands to produce more oil, increasing the likelihood that you will experience an oily complexion.
If you find that you struggle with the level of oil in your skin, it may be because you are eating too many fatty foods. Therefore, you should try to cut out some of these foods to see if it makes a difference.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol itself will not directly affect the oil levels in your skin. While it is just as unhealthy as fried food, it is the dehydration it causes that can make your skin particularly oily. Your skin glands will try to produce excess oil to compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin, which in turn causes you to look glossy.
You don’t’ have to avoid alcohol completely to reduce the levels of oil on your skin. Just try to reduce the amount you consume in one go while taking steps to re-hydrate yourself afterward.
Reduce The Temperature Of Your Shower
Not all skincare tips for oily skin are associated with your lifestyle or diet. Sometimes, you may find that your skin is a little more sensitive than other people’s. This means that even the smallest of stimuli can cause your skin glands to act out and secrete more oil
One of the biggest causes of oily skin is bathing or showering in temperatures too hot for your skin to handle. Again, it goes back to your skin becoming dehydrated and your secretion glands trying to overcompensate. Although a nice hot bath seems appealing at the end of a long day, you may want to wash your face with warm water to avoid getting oily skin.
Dry Your Face Correctly
Once you have finished in the shower, you will also benefit from drying your face correctly. Many of you will probably choose to rub your face once you have exited the bathroom. It is refreshing and the quickest way to dry yourself. However, this aggressive rubbing can trigger your skin glands, causing them to secret oil once more. Instead, try a gentler approach to drying your face by dabbing it lightly with the towel. It may take longer but your skin will look the better for it. Also, try to wash your towels as often as possible. Any leftover dirt is only going to clog your pores, negating the effects of the shower you have just had.
Use Moisturiser
As you can probably tell by now, how you treat your skin is going to have a massive effect on its oil levels. Therefore, you should try to maintain your skin’s health by moisturising every day.
A good moisturiser will prevent your skin from becoming dehydrated, which you now know is a common cause of oily skin. What’s more, this extra layer of cream will lessen the appearance of any oil that does seep through. If you are having additional trouble with your oily skin, then you should check with your doctor to see if they can prescribe you a specialised serum.
Face Masks
A curated face mask can provide you with the perfect way to relax. All you need to put the solution on your face and wait for the mask to do its work. Face masks are popular because they leave you with a healthy glow, and this is only possible by reducing the amount of sebum on your skin.
The ingredients in a face mask solution are specially chosen to draw the oil from your skin glands. This leaves you oil-free for the better part of the day. Of course, different face mask solutions will have different effects, so make sure you read the bottle before you apply it to your face, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Keep Out Of The Cold
Your skin is susceptible to becoming oily when it is exposed to hot water; however, cold air is a bigger concern during the winter. While the hot summer sunshine will dry out your skin, the process is so quick that your glands barely have the chance to react before they too dry out. What’s more, your body will use the sweat glands to keep you cool rather than focusing on re-hydrating the skin.
Unfortunately, you won’t be so lucky in the wintertime. The colder air is going to dry out your skin more, as well as chap your lips and nip at your fingers. All of these effects are going to trigger the oil glands, which means that you will start to look greasy minutes after you enter a warmer environment. Try to keep this in mind when the winter comes, and make sure that you bring an extra pot of moisturizer with you to offset these effects.
Learn About Your Skin
All the tips listed above should help you to avoid getting oily skin. It may take some time to figure out the right formula, but it is likely that putting some of these tips into practice should remove your problem.
However, there are cases where your skin will react poorly to certain products. This means that you will have to do a bit of extra research to learn about what else you may need to avoid. These products will only affect a few people among the general public, but if the tips above do not work, you may be one of them.
Nobody wants to have to deal with oily skin, but at least you can rest in the knowledge that you aren’t the only person out there with this problem. Try to experiment with some of the advice above to see if that makes a difference. It doesn’t take a lot, and now you know the causes of oily skin it should be easier to deal with.