Top Tips for Aspiring Plant Parents
How’s your green thumb looking? As the calendar is officially turning to spring, it’s time to think about all things green. Green is more than a color—it’s a symbol of newborn opportunities and fresh starts throughout the changing tides of life. Green is powerful and territorial, a signal of growth and change. Needless to say, green is found in flocks of foliage and flora.
People are drawn to plant ownership for a variety of reasons, including health benefits, home aesthetics, and hardcore hobbying. If you’re a newbie to the idea of plant parenting, don’t worry about wrapping your head around the whole concept. Let’s take a closer look at these top tips for aspiring plant parents to help get you started creating your own urban, suburban, or small-town jungle.
Just Do It: Start Simple, Start Small
You can’t learn to run without learning to walk first. You may even need to start by crawling. Start small —both literally and figuratively—by owning plants that are more minuscule in size, scale, and ease of care. If you weren’t naturally born with a green thumb, kickstart the process with plants that are harder to kill.
Low-maintenance plant babies are definitely the way to go. Succulents are radically popular these days, as are agave, aloe, jade plant, crassula tetragold (mini pine trees), and “blushing beauty” aeonium. Truly the best thing about being a plant parent is that you can choose your plant children. Be sure to choose plants that are most suited to your home’s personal conditions.
Growing Pains: Learn Your Parenting Style
For whatever stage of life or living situation a person finds themselves, plants give each individual a chance to nurture and care for something other than themselves. You have to be patient with your plants and teach them how to grow within your space. This means having patience with yourself as you develop a caretaking style.
That said, not every plant wants to be spoiled rotten. You don’t need to purchase those fussy trees that are ultra-famous on Instagram. Various plant varieties actually require little attention and prefer to be left alone, like teenagers. To lessen growing pains, do some adequate research. Look into the things you don’t understand about your plants. You don’t have to become an expert overnight but learning the ropes is definitely one of the top tips for aspiring plant parents.
Create a Place of Refuge: Inside and Out
Indoor houseplants are not for everyone, just as outdoor gardening isn’t for everyone. Consider what you love most and remain focused on creating an ideal space for plants within your niche. In fact, as warmer weather approaches, think about ways you can turn both your indoor and outdoor living spaces into blooming organic havens where greenery, comfort, and relaxation abound.
No matter what you choose, the proper amount of care and attention to your plants' needs is the key to success. Keep in mind that plants are living, breathing things—not decoration pieces or furniture. Learning about plants means learning about the patterns of life. Your time as a plant parent may even teach you something about yourself.