Young couple hug each other in winter in the park. Love story

The Winter Bucket List: 14 Activities You’ll Regret Not Doing Before the Year Ends

Has your year gone to plan? As winter wraps its cold arms around us and the holiday season starts with a bang, your thoughts may turn to activities you wish you’d done this year. But there is still time! Get your skates on (literally!), and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to complete your winter bucket…

13 Tips to Improve Your Posture While Working From Home (No Special Equipment Needed)

13 Tips to Improve Your Posture While Working From Home (No Special Equipment Needed)

Sometimes, I can’t help but look at older people and think: How did they end up so stooped? I feel for them, and it’s also a stark reminder of what I need to do so that I don’t end up like that. While some unpreventable and incurable medical conditions can cause our bodies to shrivel,…