Games For Big And Small
Whether You're A Big or A Small “Kid” These Games Are Perfect For You!
I guess I'm going to have to be honest and give up my real age on this post. Ok, it doesn't bother me at all, but my mind doesn't seem to be the same. I'm 55, soon to be 56 and I still love playing games, how about you? Oh, did I mention that I'm a smart aleck too? That's why I was over the moon when Vango Toys sent me their game You're Getting Old. Unfortunately, the description of this game is “for aging Millenials” and I'm older than that. The ages even say from 18 through 45, but I decided I'd try it out anyway.

This is a game that is best played at a party with 2-6 people. Each game includes 150 cards (that make you feel old, haha), 6 “Path To Getting Old” cards, 6 of the cutest avocado pieces, and instructions. As you play you'll be laughing and teasing one another. One thing I like about this game is it creates a fun environment and gets people interacting with each other. I don't know about you but I'm tired of going to a friend's house and seeing everyone on their phones.

As I said earlier, I am a bit older than the game asks for but I do have to say that I still had fun playing. A couple of the examples didn't apply to me but that's ok. If you're an aging millennial you need this game at your next get-together. If you decide to add in some cocktails that may make it even more interesting! You can find it on Amazon or by clicking on the links I've provided.

A “Small Kid” Game
Vango Toys not only sent me the above game, but they also sent me this cool plaything from Bizyboo. It's like a fidget toy for little kids and my youngest granddaughter can attest that she loved it. She got “Papa Pizza” which, as you can probably guess, is a small pizza filled with beads and other items. It's so much fun to squish between your fingers! Lots of kids nowadays need a way to calm themselves and this toy doesn't disappoint. They make perfect gifts too!