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Give Baby A Sense Of Tranquility

Give Your Baby A Sense Of Tranquility By Using These Calming Products

As I'm sure you can imagine a warm bath can do wonders for calming a grumpy baby.  However, why stop there?  Instead of using bath essentials with possible chemicals, try Baby Magic.  Obviously, they've been around forever and we all know the brand name.  If you haven't seen their newest items I'd like to introduce you to their Calming Baby Bath and Calming Baby Lotion.  Both of these contain Lavender and Chamomile which can give even the fussiest of babies a sense of tranquility.  The scent is absolutely dream-inducing and I'm even tempted to try it out.  Of course, we all know that Baby Magic has always been tear-free which is so important when it comes to bathing a little one.

Not only will these moisturizing products relax baby and get them ready for bedtime, but they also keep their sensitive skin soft and baby smooth.  I'll never forget when I was watching my granddaughter while my daughter was out of town and it was very hard on her.  At night I would soothe her by massaging Baby Magic lavender lotion on her calves and this would relax her and put her to sleep.  That was the only way I could get her to calmly go to sleep without Mommy.

Tranquility With Aloe Too

Baby Magic adds the lavender and chamomile to relax and calm, but it also contains aloe vera.  I know when my skin is hydrated and not dry and itchy I'm much calmer!  It's just a soothing feeling when your skin isn't fighting against you.  Babies look to their parents to help them feel secure and loved.  Not only will these items help baby sleep, but there's a bonding that goes on when you massage your baby gently while putting them down at night.  I know I'll never forget those nights with my granddaughter and I'm sure she won't either.

None Of The Bad Stuff

The Baby Magic line is made with love and only quality ingredients.  As a matter of fact, there are no sulfates, dyes, parabens, and phthalates.  Did you think I was done?  Well, they're also hypoallergenic and of course, dermatologist and allergy tested.  Your precious little one will love the way these delightful products feel on their skin and how it calms their body.

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