8 Home Remedies for Cat Hairballs
Cat hairballs are a pain to deal with, but fortunately there are many ways that you can treat them. Below are home remedies for cat hairballs ranging from natural options to more convenient quick fixes.
1.Brush your cat regularly
Brushing your cat is not just to keep her coat beautiful and healthy — it's also good for her/his health! Brushing helps to remove dead hair, which can cause hairballs, and it also stimulates the sebaceous glands in the skin, which helps to keep the skin and coat healthy.
So, brush your cat at least once a week — more often if she has a long coat — with a brush designed specifically for cats. The best brushes have combs on both sides of the handle to help pull out loose hair. Some brushes have soft rubber tips on one side of the comb and others have “fingers” made from steel wire. However, if you're using a metal-toothed brush, be sure to use it gently so as not to irritate your cat's skin or fur.
You can also use a rubber glove or rubber hand mitt on your hand like an extension of your arm when brushing. This way you'll get better leverage when removing loose hairs from longer-haired cats.
- Add olive oil to your cat's food
Olive oil has been shown to help reduce the formation of hairballs in cats. It lubricates the digestive tract so that it's easier for your cat to pass his or her food without getting stuck on its way down. It also helps prevent constipation and diarrhea by keeping everything moving smoothly through your cat's system.
You can administer olive oil by mixing it into wet food or adding it directly onto dry kibble. We recommend using olive oil that is certified organic or cold pressed because these types will be less likely to cause negative reactions in your cat's system.
- Wipe down your cat with a wet paper towel
There are many reasons why you want to wipe down your cat with a wet paper towel. Some cats like the feel of the paper, while others may not like it at first but will come around. The most important reason is that this can help reduce the amount of hairballs that your cat throws up.
You can do this by first, get a roll of toilet paper or kitchen roll and cut it into about 7-inch strips. You can also use paper towels, but keep them smaller so they don't fall apart when you touch them.
Second, take one strip and soak it in warm water for about 10 seconds (or until it's saturated). Then wring out as much water as possible so that it's just damp but not dripping wet.
Lastly, hold each towel firmly against your cat's skin for several seconds before removing it slowly. Be careful not to press too hard or you could hurt his/her! Repeat this process until all the loose fur has been dislodged from her coat.
- Feed your cat more fiber
Feeding your cat fiber is important as it helps to keep your cat's digestive system working properly. This also helps to prevent constipation or diarrhea when your cat isn't eating enough fiber. Most commercial dry foods have little to no fiber content so it's important to add some into your cat's diet if they aren't getting enough from their food alone.
In addition to that, fiber helps clean out your cat's digestive tract by moving things through their body more quickly than they would otherwise go along on their own accord (which means fewer hairballs!).
Feeding your cat more fiber will also make them feel fuller faster so they'll need less food over time leading up to fewer calories overall which can help with weight loss or maintenance over time!
- Increase your cat’s water intake
Cats need to drink water. It’s not just about hydration, but also about helping flush out any potential issues with digestion that may be causing the problem. More importantly, when you increase your cat's water intake, they will have more frequent bowel movements, which in turn will help them pass their hairballs much easier.
However, if your cat doesn't drink enough water by itself, then try adding a bit of tuna juice or chicken broth to their bowl every day. This will make it more appealing for them and encourage them to drink more often.
- Add a pumpkin to your cat’s food
Pumpkin is a natural remedy for hairballs in cats. It contains fiber that aids in digestion and can help your cat pass them more easily. Cats who have hairballs often have trouble passing them through their digestive system, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.
Pumpkin can help ease this problem by making it easier for your cat to digest food and pass the hairball. You can give pumpkin to your cat by adding it to his/her food or by giving him/ her pumpkin as a treat on its own.
So, if you want to add pumpkin to your cat’s food, mix about 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin with 3 tablespoons of water until it becomes a smooth paste. Then add this mixture to his wet food until it covers all of the food in the bowl. Make sure there are no chunks left behind!
- Apply petroleum jelly on their fur
Petroleum jelly works as an emollient and lubricant to help reduce the formation of hairballs by lubricating their digestive tract and preventing ingested fur from forming clumps. This can help prevent the formation of painful intestinal blockages and improve your cat's overall digestive health. It also reduces inflammation in their stomach, which can help reduce pain caused by eating too much food or getting into something they shouldn't have eaten.
The amount of petroleum jelly needed depends on the size of your cat and how often they produce hairballs. If you're unsure about how much petroleum jelly to give them, start off with a small amount at first and increase it gradually until you notice results
- Make sure to feed your cat fish once in a while
While there’s no denying that cats are carnivores, that doesn’t mean they have to eat meat all the time. A variety of different foods will provide your cat with the nutrients she needs. But if you’re concerned about health issues such as hairballs and weight gain, then consider adding fish into your cat’s diet.
Fish is a great source of protein, which helps keep your cat active and healthy. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve your cat’s skin and coat quality by reducing dandruff and shedding. And because fish contains fewer calories than other meats like chicken or beef, it’s a healthier option for your pet as well!
Hopefully, these remedies will help you to get rid of your cat's hairballs, no matter what the cause is.
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