
9 Reasons Why Anxiety Increased Over The Years

Anxiety is a mental condition that has been increasingly on the rise in the last few years. Experts have studied the ”reasons for anxiety increasing over the years” and have found that there are multiple causes for them. Here are 9 of the most common reasons:

1. Social media

The internet and social media have changed the way we interact with each other. It has become an integral part of our daily lives. We spend hours on social media every day, and it can be hard to imagine life without it. However, there are some negative effects that come along with being constantly connected to the internet. One of those effects is anxiety.

People who have anxiety disorders experience intense fear and worry over common activities such as going outside or making phone calls. They also experience physical symptoms like sweating, nausea, and rapid heartbeat.

Anxiety disorders can affect anyone regardless of age or gender; however, women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety than men. In fact, women are three times more likely to develop an anxiety disorder than depression! 

This means that more women will experience intense fear and worry over everyday activities such as making phone calls or going outside because they don't want others thinking badly about them due to their appearance (this would be considered body dysmorphic disorder).

2. Too much information

It is a known fact that too much information has increased the rate of anxiety in the world over the years. The internet is a wonderful resource, but it can also be very harmful to people who are suffering from anxiety.

Websites like Facebook and Twitter have created an opportunity for people to share their thoughts and feelings with others online. This is great for those who are comfortable with expressing themselves, but it can be very overwhelming for those who are uncomfortable with this kind of self-disclosure.

When you're feeling anxious about something, sharing your feelings with others can be very therapeutic. However, if you're not comfortable doing this, it can be really stressful and even scary for some people.

The internet has made it possible for everyone around the world to connect with one another instantly through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. This means that there are now no barriers between us as humans anymore; we have access to each other's lives at all times (even when they don't want us to).

3. Not enough sleep

The number of people who suffer from anxiety has been on the rise in recent years. It's not entirely clear why, but experts suspect that a lack of sleep is one of the main culprits.

“Sleep deprivation has a very strong impact on the brain and can cause changes in the way it functions,” says Dr. Charles Bae, a sleep expert at Harvard Medical School. “When you're exhausted, your brain doesn't work as well.”

When your brain isn't working as well, it becomes harder to control your emotions and manage stress. These types of mental struggles can cause or exacerbate anxiety—and there's plenty of evidence that people are getting less sleep than ever before.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one-third of Americans get less than seven hours of sleep per night. That's down from 40 percent in 1960!

Dr. Bae warns that it's important to take steps now if you think your lack of sleep could be contributing to anxiety: “You should make sure that you're getting enough rest so that you don't feel tired during the day,” he says. “If you feel tired all day long, then that might be a sign that you aren't getting enough sleep.”

4. Loneliness and isolation

Over the years, loneliness and isolation have become more common in society. 

We sometimes isolate ourselves because first, there is more pressure on individuals to be successful and achieve their goals. This pressure can lead to an increase in stress levels which can cause anxiety and depression.

Second, people are becoming less connected with their communities due to technology. They are not interacting with others as often and this makes them feel lonely or isolated from others which can lead to an increase in anxiety or depression symptoms over time.

Third, many people do not have close relationships with their family members or friends anymore because they do not spend enough time together or communicate well with each other anymore due to busy schedules at work or school (e.g., college). 

This also contributes towards an increase in anxiety symptoms over time because it reduces opportunities for social interaction which helps build strong bonds between individuals who care about each other deeply (e.g., friends/family members).

5. The economy and financial pressures

The economy and financial pressures are one of the reasons why anxiety increased over the years. With so many people struggling to get by, it is not surprising that they would be more anxious than they used to be. When people are worried about paying their bills or having enough money for food, it can lead them to feel stressed out and anxious.

While there are many people who struggle with anxiety, they may not realize that they have a problem until they start to see a change in how they feel on a daily basis. Many people who have anxiety will notice that it gets worse when they think about certain situations or events that may happen in their life. 

6. Technology and distractions

It's hard to focus when you know that you have a million other things to do on your phone or computer. You're constantly checking for notifications, scrolling through social media feeds, and looking up directions. All of these things can make it difficult to stay in the moment.

But with all of these distractions, it's easy to forget that there are also benefits to being connected at all times—especially when it comes to your mental health. If you're feeling anxious or stressed out, try taking some time away from your devices and take advantage of what technology has to offer!

7. Lack of exercise, movement, and recreation

It's not uncommon to hear people say that they're too busy to go to the gym, or that they don't have time to work out. But what many people don't realize is that not exercising can actually lead to anxiety and depression.

In fact, a study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that lack of exercise was directly linked with an increased risk for anxiety and depression in both men and women. 

The fact is that when you're feeling anxious or depressed it's difficult to make yourself go outside for some fresh air and sunshine—and even harder if you're feeling physically ill at the same time! But getting some exercise really does help your body recover from illness faster than sitting around at home doing nothing except worrying about how sick you feel.”

8. Lack of mindfulness and self-care practices like meditation, yoga, and journaling.

Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. It's a way of paying attention that creates a space between you and your thoughts, feelings and sensations — it allows you to be aware without judging what's going on in this moment. 

It helps you focus on what's happening in the present moment instead of worrying about the past or projecting into an imagined future.

Self-care on the other hand means taking care of yourself by practicing good habits for your body and mind — things like eating well, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep can help reduce stress levels and improve mood. Self-care also includes nurturing relationships with others who support you emotionally when times get tough. Without doing such important things, people tend to feel more anxious and depressed over time. This is because we are so preoccupied with our daily tasks that resting or practicing mindfulness is forgotten. 

9. Lack of social support networks—especially among young adults who are more likely to be living alone or with roommates than in the past

Research showed that those who reported having strong connections with family members were less likely to experience anxiety symptoms than those who did not have strong family ties or friendships outside their immediate family members. 

This suggests that being part of a larger social network can help prevent anxiety disorders from developing over time by providing support when needed during stressful events such as job loss, losing a loved one, or even a heartbreak..

It has been found that most of the people get affected by some kinds of anxiety disorders. People are becoming more and more anxious with each passing day. These days, stress and anxiety issues are at an all-time high in society. We hope you remember all of these reasons and become helpful to you and to your family.

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