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8 Things To Know About Persistent Depressive Order

Persistent Depressive Disorder is sometimes referred to as “enduring depression.” People with the disorder experience periods lasting 2 years or more in which they have depressed or irritable moods and diminished interest or pleasure in activities most people enjoy on a regular basis, such as work, school, and other leisure activities. You can see from this list of 8 facts about persistent depressive order that should be taken lightly.

1.It is a common mental disorder but underdiagnosed

The symptoms of persistent depressive disorder are similar to those of major depressive disorder (MDD), but they're not quite as severe. They also tend to last longer than the symptoms of MDD.

Persistent depressive disorder affects about 5% of adults in the US and is more common in women than men. It's generally diagnosed between the ages of 25 and 44 years old, but it can affect people at any age.

One reason why this condition is not widely recognized or diagnosed is because it doesn't cause any significant impairment in daily functioning—people with persistent depressive disorder may be able to perform their jobs or raise a family while still experiencing symptoms like fatigue and irritability on a regular basis.

2.It affects children

Children who suffer from persistent depressive disorder experience symptoms of depression that last at least two years and cause significant impairment in their functioning. These symptoms often include low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, and an inability to experience pleasure.

While it is possible for children to suffer from clinical depression, they are more likely than adults to experience persistent depressive disorder. This is because the brain structure and function of children is still developing, which can make it difficult for them to cope with negative emotions or stressful events. In addition, childhood is a time when many people experience changes in their lives—such as moving away from home or losing a parent—which may lead them to develop symptoms of depression.

3. It can cause physical effects

Your immune system may be compromised. People with PDD may experience more colds and other respiratory infections than people without mental illness. This is because the stress of having a mental illness can disrupt normal immune system functioning. In addition, people with PDD often have trouble sleeping, which contributes to poor immunity by lowering the body's production of antibodies and reducing its ability to fight infection.

You may have more pain than usual. The chronic pain associated with PDD is probably related to sleep disruption, which has been linked to increased sensitivity to pain in general. Sleep problems can also increase feelings of depression and anxiety; these emotions are linked to increased sensitivity to pain as well.

4. It might be hereditary

There is some evidence that a genetic predisposition to depression can increase the risk of developing persistent depressive disorder. Research suggests that a family history of depressive disorders may be associated with an increased risk for the development of PDD.

The risk for PDD is higher among those who have a first-degree relative suffering from any type of depression (major or minor). The risk also increases if there is a history of mood disorders in both parents compared to only one parent having a mood disorder. This suggests that genetic factors play a role in the development of PDD.

5. It is different from MDD

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) is different from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The main difference is that in PDD, the person has suffered from symptoms of depression for at least two years with no breaks or periods of remission between episodes. In MDD, the person has suffered from symptoms of depression for at least one year but may have periods of remission between episodes.

Another key difference is that people with MDD tend to experience feelings of hopelessness and despair, while those with PDD experience feelings of worthlessness and guilt. People with MDD also tend to have more difficulty concentrating and remembering things than those with PDD.

6. Its cause is unknown

The cause of persistent depressive disorder is unknown, but it does seem to run in families. A person with a family history of persistent depressive disorder may be more likely to develop this condition than someone without such a history.

Persistent Depressive Disorder can be difficult to diagnose because it shares many symptoms with other mood disorders. For example, people who have depression may also experience feelings of sadness and hopelessness; however, these feelings are usually much stronger in those with persistent depressive disorder than in those with other types of depression.


7. People with PDD have lower self-esteem

People with PDD Feel like they are inadequate, and this can lead to low self-esteem. They do not have the same level of emotional control as other people, so it is difficult for them to deal with their feelings.

Another reason is that many of them have never had positive reinforcement from others. They are constantly criticized and condemned by others, which makes them feel more worthless than they already do.

Unfortunately they are also often misunderstood by others because they are different in some way. People with PDD are not accepted by society at large and this leads to a low sense of self worth.

The last reason why people with PDD have lower self-esteem is because they tend to isolate themselves from others because they feel like an outcast or an outsider in their own community.

8. You can’t just snap out of it

You might have learned somewhere along the way that if you just keep trying the same things over and over again, eventually they'll work. That's how it works with other illnesses—for example, if you have allergies and take allergy medicine every day for a week or two, your allergies will probably go away. But with PDD, that's not the case.

PDD is a mental illness that requires treatment from a mental health professional. It's not something that can be “fixed” by taking a few vitamins or changing your diet for a couple weeks; it's an ongoing condition that requires ongoing support from professionals who are trained specifically in treating PDD.

For most of you, this list may seem pretty short, and that's okay. The truth is that there is still a lot to learn about Persistent Depressive Disorder, since it is such a complicated disorder. However, even though there is much to learn about this disorder and many different ways for treating it, know that you are not alone. There are plenty of people out there who will be willing to help guide you on your treatment journey.

For more helpful and informative insights, visit here.

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