8 Ways On How to Deal with Depression over the Holidays

8 Ways On How to Deal with Depression over the Holidays

If you’re having trouble getting through the holidays, we’re here to help. Everyone feels down once in a while but you don’t need to deal with depression alone. So, we’ve compiled 8 proven solutions on how to overcome feelings of sadness during the holidays. 1.Volunteer Volunteering can help you to deal with depression over the…

8 Reasons Why Some People Don’t Survive From Depression

8 Reasons Why Some People Don’t Survive From Depression

Depression is an illness. Sometimes people just can’t cope with the situations they’re in, and that’s something we should all understand and empathize with. But what about those who do not survive from depression? Here are eight reasons why some people don’t survive from depression. 1. They are not willing to seek help Depression is…