Wedding Receptions: The Details To Remember

Wedding Receptions: The Details To Remember

There are so many details to plan for a wedding that it’s easy to overlook things. To ensure you don’t miss a single point, we have four wedding reception details that get forgotten in the process. Keep reading to ensure you’ve crossed your Ts and dotted your Is.

Backup Plan for Bad Weather

Unfortunately, we can’t control the weather. Discuss with your venue to ensure you both know and understand the backup plan in case of wind, rain, or extreme heat. This plan will help relieve the pressure of making split-second decisions on your wedding day.

Creating these plans will alleviate stress. Everyone should understand what happens next and their roles in the switch.

Gratuity and Thank Yous for Vendors

These are the people who made your special day possible. The ones who put the time and energy into making the day unique to your specifications. You’ll most likely have paid them, but don’t forget to bring them handwritten thank you notes and place the gratuity inside.

Everyone loves to receive appreciation for their hard work and effort. You want your vendors to know they did an exceptional job at your wedding.

Prepare a Thank You Speech

All couples should prepare words of thanks to their family and friends who attended the ceremony and reception. Don’t give in to the temptation of winging it. Your brain will be running a million miles per hour thinking of other things, making it challenging to come up with the right words to say. Write down what you’d like to say, and then keep it safe until the moment you need it.

Necessities for the Bar

Many couples are beginning to create their own open bar because it saves money. Another option is booking a venue that requires you to build the bar from scratch, like a friend’s backyard. If you’re going this route, excellent, but don’t forget the essentials for an open wedding bar.

Prepare the alcohol beforehand so that you have enough for guests. Will you offer only beer and wine? Will you have any cocktails? What about one specialty cocktail? Answer these questions and then stock the bar.

These wedding reception details will ensure your wedding day runs smoothly, and you’ve covered all your bases. You and your spouse can relax knowing you’ve planned the perfect wedding.

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